
October 5, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Bosco Sticks
French Toast Sticks & Sausage


Attention all 8th grade girls- TOMORROW will be the interest meeting for 8th grade girls basketball. The meeting will begin at 2:55 in Ms. Timinski's room and will not be very long. If you can not make the meeting stop by and see Ms. Timinski or Mr. Wilmes for information. We look forward to a great season!

Attention all wrestlers!!!! Our season is about to begin.We will be having an informational meeting with Coach Daniel in room 1592 right after school on Thursday.  Wrestling is a great sport for all to be involved in.  It will be a short meeting so please arrange a ride if you ride the bus in the afternoon.

We are looking for enthusiastic student volunteers for the Newton Book Fair.  If you would like to volunteer for the book fair please see Ms. Lawler in the library for an application.  Applications are due by Friday October 9th!  

The beginning of October marks the Discover Newton Pledge Drive Push.
Our goal? Raise $25,000 for our school.Every student can help by encouraging your parents to participate.  Today in homeroom you’ll learn more about grade level contests, random gift card drawings, a special Newton Middle School night at Chik-Fil-A and an opportunity to win an amazing sports and movie tickets package. We’ll have contest updates each week until Friday, October 30, so stay tuned!
TEACHERS - please get your flyers from your mailboxes before homeroom!

Attention all 7th grade girls!  Are you interested in playing basketball for the Newton Knights?  If so, there will be a short meeting this Thursday, October 8th, in Mr. Worsley's Room 1119, right after school.  The meeting will last about 10 minutes, and you will need to arrange for a ride home.  If you can't make the meeting, please see either Mr. Worsley or Ms. Krikke for information.  ALL basketball skill levels are welcome.

Student Council will be meeting TOMORROW in Mrs. Mack's room, 1592.  We will talk about the Danceathon, elect officers and sign up for the Haunted house.  See you then!

  • 6th and 7th graders that are  Open Enrolled to Newton from OUT of DISTRICT - your parents need to fill out an Intent to Renew form (they are available in the office and online )
  • 8th graders wanting to go to an LPS high school from out of district - you must fill out the OUT of District open enroll form and have your parents request documents from our office to go along with it.
8th graders wanting to attend a high school that is not their home LPS high school - you must fill out the IN District open enroll form and have your parent request documents from our office to go with your application.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...