
October 30, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Corn Dog
Italian Meatball Sub


The “It’s a Dog’s Life” KT class is collecting dog & cat supplies for the Non-Profit “Peace, Love & Paws”.  There is a box in the front office for donations - Please help by bringing food, toys, treats, leashes, collars, etc.  Thank You!

The Haunted House is under construction. Are you brave enough to enter?  Bring your $2 to the Halloween Party TODAY to get in and see how brave you really are.  Student Council members need to see Mrs. Mack prior to the Halloween party to get their free ticket otherwise you will have to pay like everyone else..

Attention Student Council members, Fair Shake students and NJHS officers:  If you are planing on attending the Heritage Leadership Conference, permission slips need to be in by Monday, Nov. 2.  Please give your forms to Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Swingler, or Ms. J Andrews.

Students: Up until this point, we have done a great job with our Chromebooks.  Most people are using them as an appropriate learning tool which is greatly appreciated!
Here are some reminders:
You need to bring your Chromebook charged to school everyday.  If you continually forget your Chromebook (more than three times), you will receive a consequence of a lunch detention.
You need to be careful with your Chromebook.  Newton has been the most responsible middle school in the district as far as damages are concerned.  Please keep up the good reputation and take extra special care of your Chromebook.
Your Chromebook is a tool and needs to be used appropriately.  It is not intended to be a gaming device.

  • The October Discover Newton Pledge Drive push is coming to end.  
  • We’ve had an awesome response by our Newton family community.
  • As of today, the 7th grades are slightly ahead of the 6th graders in our class participation contest.  
  • Students, please remind your parents that today is the last day to make a donation to our Discover Newton Pledge drive AND be entered to win our Family Fun Nights package.
  • We have three new $10 gift card winners this week - these students have been randomly chosen from those families who have already made their donation.  

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour this weekend or you will show up on Monday to school way too early!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...