
October 22, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Pizza Pocket
Fish Sticks

This is LPS School Lunch Raffle Week - Buy lunch this week and earn a chance to win prizes.

The first meeting for the School Newspaper Club will be TODAY after school in Ms. Svigel’s room (1583).  All grades are invited to join!  Come learn how to use Google sites!

Art club will be meeting TODAY in the art room!

TODAY is the first girls home basketball game. Come out and cheer on your Knights to victory over our rival Powell! Games start around 3:15. Go Knights!

The PE dept  will be selling Jamba Juice for the last time this fall this Friday right after school outside the front of the school  Same three flavors and cost is the same $2 for a 8oz and $4 for 16 oz.  We hope to see everyone there again and have others join us.  We will be selling it again in the spring but stip by and enjoy a treat one more time and help support the PE department. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions

Halloween is getting closer!!! Are you planning on going to the Halloween Party? Tickets will be on sale at lunches next week on Tue. Wed. and Thurs. Get a dance party ticket in advance at lunches for $3 or 6 CODE cards. Remember you also get out of homeroom if you get your ticket in advance.

The CODE cart will be at lunch tomorrow. Bring your CODE cards to lunch to get a yummy treat. You will not be allowed to leave to go get them.

  • We are more than halfway through our October Discover Newton Pledge Drive Push and we’ve raised $19,000.00
  • The 7th graders continue to lead our grade level competition! Yay 7th graders!
  • Tonight is Newton Spirit Night at the Chik-Fil-A at the Streets of SouthGlenn
  • Grab a friend, neighbor, Mom, Dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle - ANYONE can come!
  • Be there between 5:30 - 7:30 pm, order food, and our Discover Newton Pledge Drive will benefit.
  • Three lucky students have been chosen to receive $10 gift cards to Chik-Fil-A

They are: Josh Miller - 6th grade  Hope Jones - 7th grade   Kieran Pope - 8th grade
Gift cards will be delivered to those students today!Please remind your parents to give to our Newton Pledge drive so that you can be entered to win our grand prize!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...