
October 20, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Yogurt & Muffin


This is LPS School Lunch Raffle Week - Buy lunch this week and earn a chance to win prizes.

Reminder: Lego Club will  meet  TOMORROW

The first meeting for the School Newspaper Club will be Thursday after school in Ms. Svigel’s room (1583).  There has been a change: meetings will be every Thursday!  All grades are invited to join!  Come learn how to use Google sites!

Fantasy Football will be meeting TOMORROW after school in Mrs. DeSantis' room. See you there!

Student Council will be meeting TOMORROW after school in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will announce who was elected to office, finalize plans for the Haunted House and get ready for November activities.  We will also hang sign for red ribbon week. Bring your laptops to join the student council classroom to get announcements and other important information directly.

This Thursday is Newton Middle School Spirit Night at Chik Fil A
  • Grab friends and family and come to Chik Fil-A between 5:30 - 7:30
  • A Percentage of all sales will be be donated to Newton
  • All you have to do is show up and EAT!

Boys Club will be meeting today after school in Mrs. DeSantis' room. Snacks will be provided, so bring your math materials, and we will get some good work accomplished! See you there!

All NJHS members, our next meeting is TOMORROW after school in the mini-theater at 3 p.m.  We will be working on preparing for our next care center trip, the food and clothing drives and other projects.  Come ready to work and have fun!

Students - a coyote has been reported running around in the morning in the houses North of the school.  Never approach a coyote, Do not turn your back on it or run. If it comes close to you wave your arms and make a lot of noise.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...