
October 14, 2015 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin



Reminder: Lego Club will  meet  Wednesday, Oct. 21st!

The first meeting for the School Newspaper Club will be Thursday the 22nd after school in Ms. Svigel’s room (1583).  There has been a change: meetings will be every Thursday!  All grades are invited to join!  Come learn how to use Google sites!

Backpacks will be distributed today –end of school, for the weekend

Remind your parents that P/T Conferences are TONIGHT (A-M) and TOMORROW night (N-Z) from 3:30-7:00

Students & Parents - we have 3 tables of lost and found outside of cafeteria! These items will be donated or thrown away on Friday if not claimed!

NO SCHOOL Tomorrow and Friday - enjoy your long weekend!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...