
October 30, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Corn Dog
Italian Meatball Sub


The “It’s a Dog’s Life” KT class is collecting dog & cat supplies for the Non-Profit “Peace, Love & Paws”.  There is a box in the front office for donations - Please help by bringing food, toys, treats, leashes, collars, etc.  Thank You!

The Haunted House is under construction. Are you brave enough to enter?  Bring your $2 to the Halloween Party TODAY to get in and see how brave you really are.  Student Council members need to see Mrs. Mack prior to the Halloween party to get their free ticket otherwise you will have to pay like everyone else..

Attention Student Council members, Fair Shake students and NJHS officers:  If you are planing on attending the Heritage Leadership Conference, permission slips need to be in by Monday, Nov. 2.  Please give your forms to Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Swingler, or Ms. J Andrews.

Students: Up until this point, we have done a great job with our Chromebooks.  Most people are using them as an appropriate learning tool which is greatly appreciated!
Here are some reminders:
You need to bring your Chromebook charged to school everyday.  If you continually forget your Chromebook (more than three times), you will receive a consequence of a lunch detention.
You need to be careful with your Chromebook.  Newton has been the most responsible middle school in the district as far as damages are concerned.  Please keep up the good reputation and take extra special care of your Chromebook.
Your Chromebook is a tool and needs to be used appropriately.  It is not intended to be a gaming device.

  • The October Discover Newton Pledge Drive push is coming to end.  
  • We’ve had an awesome response by our Newton family community.
  • As of today, the 7th grades are slightly ahead of the 6th graders in our class participation contest.  
  • Students, please remind your parents that today is the last day to make a donation to our Discover Newton Pledge drive AND be entered to win our Family Fun Nights package.
  • We have three new $10 gift card winners this week - these students have been randomly chosen from those families who have already made their donation.  

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour this weekend or you will show up on Monday to school way too early!


October 29, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Grilled Cheese
Soft Tacos
Corn Dog
Italian Meatball Sub

Halloween is getting closer!!! Are you planning on going to the Halloween Party? Tickets will be on sale at lunches TODAY. Get a dance party ticket in advance at lunches for $3 or 6 CODE cards. Remember you also get out of homeroom if you get your ticket in advance.

Students-  If you have a nickname that you prefer to be called and want it to be shown in the yearbook, please email Ms. J. Andrews (the art teacher) or tell Sakia Braakman or Anna Toney by TOMORROW.  Please include your full name, nickname and grade.  

Come have a snack and create an article for our new digital newspaper called the Newton Knightly News. You pick the topic, we post it. Write an article about the drug dogs at today's assembly or tell what happened at the latest basketball game. See you in Mrs. Svigel's room after school.

The “It’s a Dog’s Life” KT class is collecting dog & cat supplies for the Non-Profit “Peace, Love & Paws”.  There is a box in the front office for donations - Please help by bringing food, toys, treats, leashes, collars, etc.  Thank You!

The Haunted House is under construction. Are you brave enough to enter?  Bring your $2 to the Halloween Party on Friday to get in and see how brave you really are.  Student Council members need to see Mrs. Mack prior to the Halloween party to get their free ticket otherwise you will have to pay like everyone else.. Also, be sure and check google classroom for information about our preview night on Thursday.

Attention Student Council members, Fair Shake students and NJHS officers:  If you are planing on attending the Heritage Leadership Conference, permission slips need to be in by Monday, Nov. 2.  Please give your forms to Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Swingler, or Ms. J Andrews.

Students - you need to go to homeroom after 8th period and then we will release you to  the gym for your assembly!


Students: Up until this point, we have done a great job with our Chromebooks.  Most people are using them as an appropriate learning tool which is greatly appreciated!
Here are some reminders:
You need to bring your Chromebook charged to school everyday.  If you continually forget your Chromebook (more than three times), you will receive a consequence of a lunch detention.
You need to be careful with your Chromebook.  Newton has been the most responsible middle school in the district as far as damages are concerned.  Please keep up the good reputation and take extra special care of your Chromebook.
Your Chromebook is a tool and needs to be used appropriately.  It is not intended to be a gaming device.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour this weekend or you will show up on Monday to school way too early!


October 28,2015 - LATE START SCHEDULE

Yogurt & Muffin

Grilled Cheese
Soft Tacos


Halloween is getting closer!!! Are you planning on going to the Halloween Party? Tickets will be on sale at lunches TODAY &  Tomorrow. Get a dance party ticket in advance at lunches for $3 or 6 CODE cards. Remember you also get out of homeroom if you get your ticket in advance.

Students-  If you have a nickname that you prefer to be called and want it to be shown in the yearbook, please email Ms. J. Andrews (the art teacher) or tell Sakia Braakman or Anna Toney by this Friday.  Please include your full name, nickname and grade.  

Join in as we go LIVE with our Knightly News online newspaper. Head to Mrs. Svigel's room tomorrow after school to write an article about the latest wrestling match, the Halloween party, or the fun events in your favorite Knight Time class. Snacks will be provided.

The “It’s a Dog’s Life” KT class is collecting dog & cat supplies for the Non-Profit “Peace, Love & Paws”.  There is a box in the front office for donations - Please help by bringing food, toys, treats, leashes, collars, etc.  Thank You!

Tomorrow wear Red for Red Ribbon Week! Today’s raffle winners are...

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour this weekend or you will show up on Monday to school way too early!


October 26, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Alfredo
Sub Sandwich
Chicken Burrito Bowl
BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich


Halloween is getting closer!!! Are you planning on going to the Halloween Party? Tickets will be on sale at lunches TOMORROW. Wed. and Thurs. Get a dance party ticket in advance at lunches for $3 or 6 CODE cards. Remember you also get out of homeroom if you get your ticket in advance.

Boy's Club will be meeting TOMORROW after school in Mrs. DeSantis' room. Please bring math supplies. Snacks will be provided!

Fantasy Football will not be meeting this week due to Halloween activities. We will do double prizes next week!

This week, we are joining millions of teens across the U.S. in celebrating Red Ribbon Week and honoring Kiki Camerena, a DEA Agent who was murdered by drug traffickers in 1985. Respect Yourself, Be Drug Free! Want to win some Newton gear? Collect raffle tickets all week in the cafeteria by wearing the theme of the day, by bringing a post-it note that you find on a locker and by submitting drug free facts to staff in the cafeteria. Don’t forget, tomorrow wear mixed matched clothes and Don’t Get Mixed Up In Drugs.


October 23, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Pizza Pocket
Fish Sticks


The PE dept  will be selling Jamba Juice for the last time this fall TODAY right after school outside the front of the school  Same three flavors and cost is the same $2 for a 8oz and $4 for 16 oz.  We hope to see everyone there again and have others join us.  We will be selling it again in the spring but stip by and enjoy a treat one more time and help support the PE department. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions

Halloween is getting closer!!! Are you planning on going to the Halloween Party? Tickets will be on sale at lunches next week on Tue. Wed. and Thurs. Get a dance party ticket in advance at lunches for $3 or 6 CODE cards. Remember you also get out of homeroom if you get your ticket in advance.

The CODE cart will be at lunch TODAY. Bring your CODE cards to lunch to get a yummy treat. You will not be allowed to leave to go get them.

Thank you to all the families who came out last night to support our Newton Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A!  We had an awesome turnout!  We are in the home stretch of our Newton Discovery Pledge Drive Push.  As of today, our participation rate is up to 25.6% and we’ve raised $19,045.  Thank you to every family who has made a donation.  Our goal of $25,000 is within reach.  If you haven’t had a moment to make your gift, there is still time.  Go to our website and click on the pledge drive link to make a one time or recurring donation.  Or, send your check made out to Newton PTO to the school office.  EVERY gift counts.  Remember every family who contributes will be entered into our Family Fun Nights package drawing.  


October 22, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Pizza Pocket
Fish Sticks

This is LPS School Lunch Raffle Week - Buy lunch this week and earn a chance to win prizes.

The first meeting for the School Newspaper Club will be TODAY after school in Ms. Svigel’s room (1583).  All grades are invited to join!  Come learn how to use Google sites!

Art club will be meeting TODAY in the art room!

TODAY is the first girls home basketball game. Come out and cheer on your Knights to victory over our rival Powell! Games start around 3:15. Go Knights!

The PE dept  will be selling Jamba Juice for the last time this fall this Friday right after school outside the front of the school  Same three flavors and cost is the same $2 for a 8oz and $4 for 16 oz.  We hope to see everyone there again and have others join us.  We will be selling it again in the spring but stip by and enjoy a treat one more time and help support the PE department. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions

Halloween is getting closer!!! Are you planning on going to the Halloween Party? Tickets will be on sale at lunches next week on Tue. Wed. and Thurs. Get a dance party ticket in advance at lunches for $3 or 6 CODE cards. Remember you also get out of homeroom if you get your ticket in advance.

The CODE cart will be at lunch tomorrow. Bring your CODE cards to lunch to get a yummy treat. You will not be allowed to leave to go get them.

  • We are more than halfway through our October Discover Newton Pledge Drive Push and we’ve raised $19,000.00
  • The 7th graders continue to lead our grade level competition! Yay 7th graders!
  • Tonight is Newton Spirit Night at the Chik-Fil-A at the Streets of SouthGlenn
  • Grab a friend, neighbor, Mom, Dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle - ANYONE can come!
  • Be there between 5:30 - 7:30 pm, order food, and our Discover Newton Pledge Drive will benefit.
  • Three lucky students have been chosen to receive $10 gift cards to Chik-Fil-A

They are: Josh Miller - 6th grade  Hope Jones - 7th grade   Kieran Pope - 8th grade
Gift cards will be delivered to those students today!Please remind your parents to give to our Newton Pledge drive so that you can be entered to win our grand prize!


October 21, 2015 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin

Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito

This is LPS School Lunch Raffle Week - Buy lunch this week and earn a chance to win prizes.

Reminder: Lego Club will  meet  TODAY

The first meeting for the School Newspaper Club will be TOMORROW after school in Ms. Svigel’s room (1583).  All grades are invited to join!  Come learn how to use Google sites!

Fantasy Football will be meeting TODAY after school in Mrs. DeSantis' room. See you there!

Student Council will be meeting TODAY after school in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will announce who was elected to office, finalize plans for the Haunted House and get ready for November activities.  We will also hang sign for red ribbon week. Bring your laptops to join the student council classroom to get announcements and other important information directly.
TOMORROW is Newton Middle School Spirit Night at Chik Fil A
  • Grab friends and family and come to Chik Fil-A between 5:30 - 7:30
  • A Percentage of all sales will be be donated to Chik Fil -A
  • All you have to do is show up and EAT!

All NJHS members, our next meeting is TODAY after school in the mini-theater at 3 p.m.  We will be working on preparing for our next care center trip, the food and clothing drives and other projects.  Come ready to work and have fun!

Art club will be meeting TOMORROW in the art room!

This Thursday is the first girls home basketball game. Come out and cheer on your Knights to victory over our rival Powell! Games start around 3:15. Go Knights!

The PE  will be selling Jamba Juice for the last time this fall this Friday right after school outside the front of the school  Same three flavors and cost is the same $2 for a 8oz and $4 for 16 oz.  We hope to see everyone there again and have others join us.  We will be selling it again in the spring but stip by and enjoy a treat one more time and help support the PE department. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions

Classified Staff - Don’t forget lunch today in room formerly known as 213!


October 20, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Yogurt & Muffin


This is LPS School Lunch Raffle Week - Buy lunch this week and earn a chance to win prizes.

Reminder: Lego Club will  meet  TOMORROW

The first meeting for the School Newspaper Club will be Thursday after school in Ms. Svigel’s room (1583).  There has been a change: meetings will be every Thursday!  All grades are invited to join!  Come learn how to use Google sites!

Fantasy Football will be meeting TOMORROW after school in Mrs. DeSantis' room. See you there!

Student Council will be meeting TOMORROW after school in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will announce who was elected to office, finalize plans for the Haunted House and get ready for November activities.  We will also hang sign for red ribbon week. Bring your laptops to join the student council classroom to get announcements and other important information directly.

This Thursday is Newton Middle School Spirit Night at Chik Fil A
  • Grab friends and family and come to Chik Fil-A between 5:30 - 7:30
  • A Percentage of all sales will be be donated to Newton
  • All you have to do is show up and EAT!

Boys Club will be meeting today after school in Mrs. DeSantis' room. Snacks will be provided, so bring your math materials, and we will get some good work accomplished! See you there!

All NJHS members, our next meeting is TOMORROW after school in the mini-theater at 3 p.m.  We will be working on preparing for our next care center trip, the food and clothing drives and other projects.  Come ready to work and have fun!

Students - a coyote has been reported running around in the morning in the houses North of the school.  Never approach a coyote, Do not turn your back on it or run. If it comes close to you wave your arms and make a lot of noise.


October 19, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Chicken Gyro
Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese Sandwich


This is LPS School Lunch Raffle Week - Buy lunch this week and earn a chance to win prizes.

Reminder: Lego Club will  meet  Wednesday

The first meeting for the School Newspaper Club will be Thursday after school in Ms. Svigel’s room (1583).  There has been a change: meetings will be every Thursday!  All grades are invited to join!  Come learn how to use Google sites!

Fantasy Football will be meeting Wednesday after school in Mrs. DeSantis' room. See you there!

Student Council will be meeting on Wednesday after school in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will announce who was elected to office, finalize plans for the Haunted House and get ready for November activities.  We will also hang sign for red ribbon week. Bring your laptops to join the student council classroom to get announcements and other important information directly.

It is not too late to join the wrestling team.  We have practice after school today in the CAVE.  See Mrs. Mack if you have any questions.

Thursday is Newton Night at Chick- Fil-A (Southglenn)  from 5:30- 7:30.   All proceeds go the to Newton Discover Fund!


October 14, 2015 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin



Reminder: Lego Club will  meet  Wednesday, Oct. 21st!

The first meeting for the School Newspaper Club will be Thursday the 22nd after school in Ms. Svigel’s room (1583).  There has been a change: meetings will be every Thursday!  All grades are invited to join!  Come learn how to use Google sites!

Backpacks will be distributed today –end of school, for the weekend

Remind your parents that P/T Conferences are TONIGHT (A-M) and TOMORROW night (N-Z) from 3:30-7:00

Students & Parents - we have 3 tables of lost and found outside of cafeteria! These items will be donated or thrown away on Friday if not claimed!

NO SCHOOL Tomorrow and Friday - enjoy your long weekend!


October 13, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Turkey Roast
Egg Roll

Yogurt & Muffin


Art club will be meeting TODAY after school!  

Soccer Club will meet TODAY after school.

Reminder: Lego Club will not meet this week. See you next Wednesday, Oct. 21st!

Remind your parents that P/T Conferences are tomorrow night (A-M) and Thursday night (N-Z) from 3:30-7:00


October 12, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Penne with Meatballs
Taco Salad
Turkey Roast
Egg Roll


The day is finally here! Go to Mrs. Svigel's room in 1583 after school today to find out about our school Newspaper Club. We want to fill it with all the latest events, music, sports and entertainment Newton has to offer.

8th grade girls, even if you missed the information meeting about basketball .  You still have time to join.  See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski for information, or show up at practice TODAY at 3pm in the gym.


October 9, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Teriyaki Chicken
Turkey Wrap



See you on Monday after school in Mrs. Svigel's room for a quick Newton Knightly News interest meeting. If you normally ride the bus, you might find another ride home as this first meeting will be quick. Let's capture all the events at our school and put them in print for all to see.

8th grade girls, even if you missed the information meeting about basketball .  You still have time to join.  See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski for information, or show up at practice on October 12th at 3pm in the gym.

The PE  will be selling Jamba Juice againtTODAY right after school outside the front of the school  Same three flavors and cost is the same $2 for a 8oz and $4 for 16 oz.  We hope to see everyone there again and have others join us.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.


October 8, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Tenders
Teriyaki Chicken
Turkey Wrap


Attention all wrestlers!!!! Our season is about to begin.We will be having an informational meeting with Coach Daniel in room 1592 right after school TODAY.  Wrestling is a great sport for all to be involved in.  It will be a short meeting so please arrange a ride if you ride the bus in the afternoon.

We are looking for enthusiastic student volunteers for the Newton Book Fair.  If you would like to volunteer for the book fair please see Ms. Lawler in the library for an application.  Applications are due by TOMORROW !  

Attention all 7th grade girls!  Are you interested in playing basketball for the Newton Knights?  If so, there will be a short meeting TODAY, in Mr. Worsley's Room 1119, right after school.  The meeting will last about 10 minutes, and you will need to arrange for a ride home.  If you can't make the meeting, please see either Mr. Worsley or Ms. Krikke for information.  ALL basketball skill levels are welcome.

Fantasy Football Club will meet TODAY after school.  Don't forget about the Waiver Wire!!

Attention 7th grade track starts- Your jerseys need to be returned by TOMORROW to Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski this week! Fines will start going home next week for jerseys not turned in.

Calling all writers, editors, and photographers! The Newton Knightly News Club is back and ready to create a student newspaper delivering the latest happenings at our school. This club is open to ALL grades. Meet in Mrs. Svigel's room after school on Monday October 12th for a 10 minute interest meeting.

8th grade girls, even if you missed the information meeting about basketball .  You still have time to join.  See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski for information, or show up at practice on October 12th at 3pm in the gym.

The PE  will be selling Jamba Juice againtTOMORROW right after school outside the front of the school  Same three flavors and cost is the same $2 for a 8oz and $4 for 16 oz.  We hope to see everyone there again and have others join us.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...