
December 10,2018 - ODD Day Schedule


Attention all 8th grade boys: basketball season is here!
Please join coaches for an interest meeting after school
on Thursday, December 13, in room 1113. Make sure to
arrange for a ride home after the meeting. You’ll get a season
schedule and all forms needed to participate. If you can’t
make the meeting, see coaches after school in the gym for the
first practice on Monday, December 17. Contact coach Conant
through Newton’s Athletics/Intramurals website with questions.

Student Council and NJHS would like to extend a big thank you
for helping to make the Canned Food Drive such a huge success.  
We surpassed our goal of 1,000 cans and collected 1,176. 7th grade
won the challenge, but it was a very close race. Thank you for ALL
who participated.  

Congratulations to the 8th grade girls for their tournament
performance on Saturday. Even decimated by injuries, A team
played valiantly against Goddard.  B team placed second in the
district tournament. 8th grade girls basketball players remember
to turn in your uniforms and your $3 for your end of season party
on Thursday December 13th after school in room 1372.

Our next Newton Community KNight is coming up TOMORROW
at the Chipotle at University and Dry Creek from 4pm to 8pm.  
Mention Newton and 33% of your order will support our pledge drive.
Hope to see you there!

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