
September 26, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



Attention Chromebook Users (That's ALL of you!)- Starting TODAY we will be keeping track of each time you need to borrow a Chromebook from the library because you forgot yours at home or forgot to charge it.  You will have a lunch detention after you have had to borrow three times (so your fourth, fifth and sixth time).  After six times, you will receive after school detention each time you forget.  This does NOT include if your Chromebook is in for repairs.
Thanks for your cooperation!

Students - reminder - No glass bottles of any kind are allowed in the school!  Also NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED OUTSIDE AT LUNCH TIME!

Hey Newton, Yearbook is looking for some of your summer pictures! You can share your summer pictures by going to a website called and enter the school code NMSYBK2017, please don’t forget a caption and your name!  The deadline is October 28.  If you have any questions please ask Ms. J Andrews.

The CODE cart will be back on Friday during lunch!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...