
September 15, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The Backpack Weekend Food Program has started. Any student that is in need of food for the weekend can grab a backpack filled with food on Fridays when school is out. Backpacks are outside of the mini theater.

Picture Retakes are on September 22nd.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.

Bus Safety Info:
Students- you need to have a note to ride the bus home with a friend.  The note should include the parent granting permission for the student to ride the bus home and be brought to the office where a bus form will be filled out and given back to you which you can use it as a ticket to get on the bus.  Students, you need to do this first thing in the morning, not right before you get on the bus!

The bus will give you a one minute warning by starting its engine. You need to get on the bus when you hear it start up.  When the doors close, you may not run after the bus.

Any NJHS members who were not at the meeting yesterday need to stop by Mrs. Petrelli or Mrs. DeSantis' room by 3pm today to vote for officers. Officer selections will be finalized and posted by Friday morning.


PARENTS - Students in cars should be dropped off in the west parking lot in the mornings.  The west lot is the safest lot for morning drop off.  If you have to go to the east lot, please make sure that your student is in the cross walk before you let them out of the car.  Bus drivers are worried that they will hit open car doors or students who are not crossing in the crosswalk.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...