
September 30, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



The CODE cart will be a lunch today remember to bring your CODE cards because you will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

If you had your pictures taken on picture retake day, please stop by the office and get your ID card.

Attention all wrestlers. It is time for us to continue building on the tremendous success we had last year.  We will have a short interest meeting in Mrs. Mack's room on Thursday, October 6th. Come by room 1592 and get information about the schedule and Mrs. Mack will supply some snacks. Wrestling is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.  Come out and join the fun while developing some great skills. See you Thursday!

Attention all student council members.  Be sure and check the student council classroom for a list of meeting dates for the rest of the school year.  Our next meeting is October 13th in Mrs. Mack's room.

Congratulations to our 2016-2017 officers for the year.  

Chandler H - President

Isara L and Grace A - Vice Presidents

Will P, Allsion B and Hadley N as this years secretaries

See these students or any student listed on the student council bulletin board if you have

suggestions for Newton events.

The Newton Discovery Fund Drive Community KNight at Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar - Streets at SouthGlenn is this coming Tuesday, October 4, from 5-9pm. Mention Newton and 20% of your bill will be donated to our school for this year's fund drive to help support audio-visual upgrades to our gymnasium and cafeteria. As an added bonus, Bad Daddy's is donating an Amazon Fire Tablet and will draw a winning family from those who join Bad Daddy's E-club at the event on Tuesday.


September 29, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



The CODE cart will be at lunch tomorrow! Don't forget to bring your CODE cards to lunch so you can get a tasty treat!

If you had your pictures taken on picture retake day, please stop by the office and get your
ID Card.


September 28, 2016 - WEDNESDAY Schedule



Hey Newton, Yearbook is looking for some of your summer pictures! You can share your summer pictures by going to a website called and enter the school code NMSYBK2017, please don’t forget a caption and your name!  The deadline is October 28.  If you have any questions please ask Ms. J Andrews.

The CODE cart will be back on Friday during lunch!

Attention all NJHS members!  Do not forget that TODAY you have an NJHS meeting and need to meet in the mini-theater right after school.  We have a great many activities and community outreach programs that are in progress so be sure to attend!

The after school study support with Mr Wyckhuyse and Mrs. Swingler is canceled today."


September 27, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



Attention Chromebook Users (That's ALL of you!)- We will be keeping track of each time you need to borrow a Chromebook from the library because you forgot yours at home or forgot to charge it.  You will have a lunch detention after you have had to borrow three times (so your fourth, fifth and sixth time).  After six times, you will receive after school detention each time you forget.  This does NOT include if your Chromebook is in for repairs.
Thanks for your cooperation!

Hey Newton, Yearbook is looking for some of your summer pictures! You can share your summer pictures by going to a website called and enter the school code NMSYBK2017, please don’t forget a caption and your name!  The deadline is October 28.  If you have any questions please ask Ms. J Andrews.

The CODE cart will be back on Friday during lunch!

8th grade track please be dressed out and waiting for the bus by the East door by 3:00 for our meet against Powell.

Attention all NJHS members!  Do not forget that this coming Wednesday September 28th that you have an NJHS meeting and need to meet in the mini-theater right after school.  We have a great many activities and community outreach programs that are in progress so be sure to attend!

Also, for those NJHS members going to the nursing home today for our visit and bingo games with the residents please be in Mrs. Desantis' class immediately after school.

Save the Date!  Newton Discovery Fund Drive Community Night at Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar - Streets at SouthGlenn on Tuesday, October 4, from 5-9pm. Mention Newton and 20% of your bill will be donated to our school for this year's fund drive to help support audio-visual upgrades to our gymnasium and cafeteria.


September 26, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



Attention Chromebook Users (That's ALL of you!)- Starting TODAY we will be keeping track of each time you need to borrow a Chromebook from the library because you forgot yours at home or forgot to charge it.  You will have a lunch detention after you have had to borrow three times (so your fourth, fifth and sixth time).  After six times, you will receive after school detention each time you forget.  This does NOT include if your Chromebook is in for repairs.
Thanks for your cooperation!

Students - reminder - No glass bottles of any kind are allowed in the school!  Also NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED OUTSIDE AT LUNCH TIME!

Hey Newton, Yearbook is looking for some of your summer pictures! You can share your summer pictures by going to a website called and enter the school code NMSYBK2017, please don’t forget a caption and your name!  The deadline is October 28.  If you have any questions please ask Ms. J Andrews.

The CODE cart will be back on Friday during lunch!


September 23, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Students - you will be getting your CMAS results in homeroom today - please take these home to your parents - they will be expecting them!

Attention Chromebook Users (That's ALL of you!)- Starting on Monday we will be keeping track of each time you need to borrow a Chromebook from the library because you forgot yours at home or forgot to charge it.  You will have a lunch detention after you have had to borrow three times (so your fourth, fifth and sixth time).  After six times, you will receive after school detention each time you forget.  This does NOT include if your Chromebook is in for repairs.
Thanks for your cooperation!

Students - reminder - No glass bottles of any kind are allowed in the school!  Also NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED OUTSIDE AT LUNCH TIME!

PARENTS - CMAS Test results will be going home with your student TODAY!


September 22, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all student council members...we will be meeting TODAY in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will start painting signs for the track teams and planning for the Haunted House at the fall dance.  See you then.

Students - please stay out of the Strawberry Hill office park before and after school.

Congratulations to Ladies track who beat Euclid/Options on Tuesday 61.5 to 54.5!

PARENTS - CMAS Test results will be going home with your student TOMORROW!


Picture Retakes are TODAY.

  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken - please pay attention to the time written on the pass!

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken. - WE WILL MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE PA WHEN YOU NEED TO COME TO THE MINI THEATER

  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.


September 21, 2016 - ALL Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Save the Date!  Newton Discovery Fund Drive Community Night at Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar - Streets at SouthGlenn on Tuesday, October 4, from 5-9pm. Mention Newton and 20% of your bill will be donated to our school for this year's fund drive to help support audio-visual upgrades to our gymnasium and cafeteria.

Attention all student council members...we will be meeting TOMORROW in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will start painting signs for the track teams and planning for the Haunted House at the fall dance.  See you then.

Students - please stay out of the Strawberry Hill office park before and after school.

PARENTS - CMAS Test results will be going home with your student on Friday!


Picture Retakes are TOMORROW.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.


September 20, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Save the Date!  Newton Discovery Fund Drive Community Night at Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar - Streets at SouthGlenn on Tuesday, October 4, from 5-9pm. Mention Newton and 20% of your bill will be donated to our school for this year's fund drive to help support audio-visual upgrades to our gymnasium and cafeteria.

Attention all student council members...we will be meeting Thursday the 22nd in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will start painting signs for the track teams and planning for the Haunted House at the fall dance.  See you then.


Picture Retakes are this THURSDAY.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.


September 16, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Save the Date!  Newton Discovery Fund Drive Community Night at Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar - Streets at SouthGlenn on Tuesday, October 4, from 5-9pm. Mention Newton and 20% of your bill will be donated to our school for this year's fund drive to help support audio-visual upgrades to our gymnasium and cafeteria.

Attention all student council members...we will be meeting NEXT Thursday the 22nd in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will start painting signs for the track teams and planning for the Haunted House at the fall dance.  See you then.

STUDENTS - don’t forget  - lunchboxes left in the cafeteria will be thrown away this evening. If you have lost one - go get it!


PARENTS - Students in cars should be dropped off in the west parking lot in the mornings.  The west lot is the safest lot for morning drop off.  If you have to go to the east lot, please make sure that your student is in the cross walk before you let them out of the car.  Bus drivers are worried that they will hit open car doors or students who are not crossing in the crosswalk.

Picture Retakes are on September 22nd.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.


September 15, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The Backpack Weekend Food Program has started. Any student that is in need of food for the weekend can grab a backpack filled with food on Fridays when school is out. Backpacks are outside of the mini theater.

Picture Retakes are on September 22nd.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.

Bus Safety Info:
Students- you need to have a note to ride the bus home with a friend.  The note should include the parent granting permission for the student to ride the bus home and be brought to the office where a bus form will be filled out and given back to you which you can use it as a ticket to get on the bus.  Students, you need to do this first thing in the morning, not right before you get on the bus!

The bus will give you a one minute warning by starting its engine. You need to get on the bus when you hear it start up.  When the doors close, you may not run after the bus.

Any NJHS members who were not at the meeting yesterday need to stop by Mrs. Petrelli or Mrs. DeSantis' room by 3pm today to vote for officers. Officer selections will be finalized and posted by Friday morning.


PARENTS - Students in cars should be dropped off in the west parking lot in the mornings.  The west lot is the safest lot for morning drop off.  If you have to go to the east lot, please make sure that your student is in the cross walk before you let them out of the car.  Bus drivers are worried that they will hit open car doors or students who are not crossing in the crosswalk.


September 14, 2016 - LATE START SCHEDULE


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all six graders- TODAY there will be a track and field interest meeting in Mr. Wilmes's room right after school at 2:50. The meeting will last for about 20 minutes so make sure you arrange for a way to get home. If you cannot attend the meeting see Mr. Wilmes with any questions.

The Backpack Weekend Food Program has started. Any student that is in need of food for the weekend can grab a backpack filled with food on Fridays when school is out. Backpacks are outside of the mini theater.

Picture Retakes are on September 22nd.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.

Bus Safety Info:
Students- you need to have a note to ride the bus home with a friend.  The note should include the parent granting permission for the student to ride the bus home and be brought to the office where a bus form will be filled out and given back to you which you can use it as a ticket to get on the bus.  Students, you need to do this first thing in the morning, not right before you get on the bus!

The bus will give you a one minute warning by starting its engine. You need to get on the bus when you hear it start up.  When the doors close, you may not run after the bus.


PARENTS - Students in cars should be dropped off in the west parking lot in the mornings.  The west lot is the safest lot for morning drop off.  If you have to go to the east lot, please make sure that your student is in the cross walk before you let them out of the car.  Bus drivers are worried that they will hit open car doors or students who are not crossing in the crosswalk.


September 13, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all six graders- TOMORROW there will be a track and field interest meeting in Mr. Wilmes's room right after school at 2:50. The meeting will last for about 20 minutes so make sure you arrange for a way to get home. If you cannot attend the meeting see Mr. Wilmes with any questions.

The Backpack Weekend Food Program has started. Any student that is in need of food for the weekend can grab a backpack filled with food on Fridays when school is out. Backpacks are outside of the mini theater.

Picture Retakes are on September 22nd.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.



September 12, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all six graders- This Wednesday, September 14 there will be a track and field interest meeting in Mr. Wilmes's room right after school at 2:50. The meeting will last for about 20 minutes so make sure you arrange for a way to get home. If you cannot attend the meeting see Mr. Wilmes with any questions.

The Backpack Weekend Food Program has started. Any student that is in need of food for the weekend can grab a backpack filled with food on Fridays when school is out. Backpacks are outside of the mini theater.

Picture Retakes are on September 22nd.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.


September 9, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Do you already have a CODE card or two??? Welll guess what?! The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria  TODAY during lunches. Trade in your CODE cards for a tasty treat or something fun! You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get your cards so remember to bring them with you TODAY!

The Backpack Weekend Food Program has started. Any student that is in need of food for the weekend can grab a backpack filled with food on Fridays when school is out. Backpacks are outside of the mini theater.

Students --- you will be getting picture retake packets in homeroom today to take home to your parents. Retakes are on September 22nd.

  • If you purchased pictures already and want retakes - you MUST bring in your original packet with all of the pictures on retake day in order to get a new picture taken.
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures only, you must be ordering.
  • Students that did not get pictures taken at schedule pick up will be given a pass to leave class to have their picture taken.


September 8,2016 - ODD Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Do you already have a CODE card or two??? Welll guess what?! The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria  TOMORROW during lunches. Trade in your CODE cards for a tasty treat or something fun! You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get your cards so remember to bring them with you TOMORROW!

It’s not too late to join The Stop Motion Lego Club or the fantastic Art Club folks- join us TODAY in the art rooms after school. Remember your $20 club fee too!

The Backpack Weekend Food Program has started. Any student that is in need of food for the weekend can grab a backpack filled with food on Friday when school is out. Backpacks are outside of the mini theater.


September 7, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Are you a basketball player?  Are you new to the game?  Either way, we would love to have you join us to sharpen your skills and have some fun at the 7th annual Newton/Littleton Girls Basketball Clinic TODAY, and TOMORROW, here in the Newton gym. Open to all girls grades 6-8 regardless of future high school or experience. See the LHS bulletin board or main office for flyers and details!

Attention all student council members
We will have a short meeting TODAY in Mrs. Mack's room to elect officers.  We will finish by 3:30 so please arrange a ride if you need one.  You can still join student council if you want. Please come by and see Mrs. Mack to sign up or come to the meeting on Wednesday.

Do you already have a CODE card or two??? Welll guess what?! The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria  on Friday during lunches. Trade in your CODE cards for a tasty treat or something fun! You will not be aloud to leave the cafeteria to go get your cards so remember to bring them with you on Friday!

It’s not too late to join The Stop Motion Lego Club or the fantastic Art Club folks- join us Thursday in the art rooms after school. Remember your $20 club fee too!


September 6, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Are you a basketball player?  Are you new to the game?  Either way, we would love to have you join us to sharpen your skills and have some fun at the 7th annual Newton/Littleton Girls Basketball Clinic TOMORROW, and Thursday, September 8th, here in the Newton gym. Open to all girls grades 6-8 regardless of future high school or experience. See the LHS bulletin board or main office for flyers and details!

Attention all student council members
We will have a short meeting TOMORROW, September 7th in Mrs. Mack's room to elect officers.  We will finish by 3:30 so please arrange a ride if you need one.  You can still join student council if you want. Please come by and see Mrs. Mack to sign up or come to the meeting on Wednesday.

Do you already have a CODE card or two??? Welll guess what?! The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria  on Friday during lunches. Trade in your CODE cards for a tasty treat or something fun! You will not be aloud to leave the cafeteria to go get your cards so remember to bring them with you on Friday!

It’s not too late to join The Stop Motion Lego Club or the fantastic Art Club folks- join us Thursday in the art rooms after school. Remember your $20 club fee too!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...