Today Tomorrow
Featured Entrée Featured
Turkey Wrap Chicken
Fried Steak
Choice Alternate Choice
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl Sloppy Joe
Selections Side
Potato Green
Cucumbers and Dip Carrot
Sticks and Dip
Fruit Fruit
check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information
on the following:
If you are interested in participating in either the Spelling Bee or
Brain Bowl, and you have not signed up on the list outside Mrs. Lacey's room,
room 206, please do so today!
retake day is TODAY! If you did not get
your picture taken on schedule pick-up day, you will receive a pass 1st or 3rd period with a time
to report to the mini theater. If you
are getting retakes – you must bring in your old packet or an order form for
new pictures. Those getting retakes will be dismissed to the mini theater over
the PA around 9:00 am. Teachers – please make sure you are handing out those
passes right away this morning!
The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice TODAY after school in the
same location right outside the main entrance of the school. There
will be the same three flavors as always 8oz for $2 and 16oz for $4.
Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions. Remember –
you must drink them outside!
NJHS members who were unable to attend Tuesday's meeting need to see Mrs.
Hissem or Mrs. Petrelli for a ballot to elect this year's officers.
Results of the election of officers will be announced on Friday. If you have any questions, see Mrs.
Hissem or Mrs. Petrelli.
Show us your spirit tomorrow (and every Friday)~wear Red, White, and Black!!"
Newton Fantasy Footballers, we will meet in Room 214 today after school for 2
weeks of prizes and trades and roster setting. See Mr. Atherton with any
Deaf Awareness Week: The answer for yesterdays trivia question: Alexander Graham Bell invented what in his attempt to
create hearing aids for both his Deaf wife and mother? The answer is the telephone!! Check out the
library and in the window of room 307 for books and more information on Deaf
culture. Today's trivia question comes from before you were born, and
will require a little research: Which
profoundly Deaf actress won A Tony for Best Actress in 1980? Staff
you can put your guess in the mail room. Students give us your answer at lunch
for a chance to win prizes, as well as purchase your ear plugs to wear on Friday. Friday you can have the opportunity to
experience what it would be like to be Deaf: wear ear plugs and try not to
communicate with spoken language!