
February 19, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule

Corn Dog
Italian Meatball Sub


Reminders & Announcements:

LOST and FOUND will be donated on March 4th ----- make sure you check for your things before then

We have heard lots of you talking about the talent show, but we have NO applications so far!  Remember to get them in by TODAY.  All of your questions are probably answered in the information package, but remember you can see Ms. Trainer or Ms. P. Andrews with your questions.  Auditions are  Monday & Tuesday.  Applications and information are available outside both of their classrooms.

8th grade teachers, please don't forget to hand out tickets for the ice cream floats as soon as possible today in 2nd block.  8th grade students, please remember to bring your tickets to lunch to receive your ice cream float. You will not be allowed to go back to your lockers to get them and you will not be able to get one if you do not have your ticket.

8th grade girls, if you missed yesterday's Volleyball meeting there is still time to sign-up.  See Ms. Timinski or Mrs. Mack for more information or show up at our first practice on Tuesday February 23rd after school in the Newton gym.

6th Grade Basketball
We are looking to have  some more  boys and  girls that would like to join 6th grade Coed  basketball come to our workouts held every Tuesday and Thursday morning in the gym from 7:00-7:45.  We have a few students but are looking to get as many more of you there as we can please come join us for some hoops and fun see Mr. Blake if you have any questions.  

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...