
February 10, 2016 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin
Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Reminders & Announcements:
8th Graders - you will take your Panoramic Picture TODAY. Bring your order forms with you!
You will be released by PA

Attention all student council members - if you are selling valograms at lunch - come see Mrs. Mack at the very beginning of lunch to get the supplies you need.  Check google classroom for the days you are selling.

Any students who had Ms. P. Andrews for drama or performing arts last semester, please check with her if you are missing any props or clothing that you brought in and didn't take home.

This is it! The Harlem Wizards play on Friday night at 7:00 in the Littleton High School Gym. Come join the excitement with the rest of our Littleton community. Watch Mrs. Rahne's amazing dribbling skills and see Mrs. Swingler dunk a basketball like none other! Tickets for students are just 10 bucks.

The CODE cart is back again on Friday during lunches. Be sure to bring your CODE cards with you to the cafeteria in exchange for all kinds of treats.

6th Grade Coed Basketball:
There will be an interest meeting This Friday morning February 12th before school at 7:30 in the gym for any 6th grade boy or girl who is interested in joining.  The meeting will only last 10 to 15 minutes we hope to see as many students there as possible.  Please see Mr. Blake if you have any questions.

Attention district spelling bee participants:  Don't forget that the district bee is TODAY.  Be at Powell by 3:30 for check in, and bring your parent signature slip if you haven't already returned it to Mrs. Lacey.  See Mrs. Lacey if you have any questions.  

Applications for new NJHS members are due by 3:00 pm TOMORROW to Mrs Hissem or Mrs Petrelli. Make sure you have given your recommendations to 3 teachers before that date. No late applications will be accepted, so turn in all parts as soon as possible. See Mrs Hissem or Mrs Petrelli with questions.

Did you know your school is about to start Terracycling? It can't happen without you. Turn chip bags into book bags and wrappers into bike racks! Come help the Green Knights conquer the trash bin and make it a win-win.
Art room after school this Wednesday AND Thursday from 3-4:00pm.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...