
February 1, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule

Taco Salad
Turkey Roast
Pork Egg Roll

Reminders & Announcements:

Newton’s annual talent show, Knight of Talent is back!  What’s your talent?   Audition packets are now available outside Ms. Trainer's room, # 1375 and Ms. Andrews' choir room

8th Graders going to AHS - Advanced Placement Audition Packets are in the office, check with your teachers to see if you should pick one up.

Attention all student council members, we will have our next meeting on Wednesday to get ready for Valograms.  Please meet in Mrs. Mack's class right after school. See you then

Students, please be careful with your Chromebooks!  We have the reputation of being the best middle school in the district but this past week was awful!  We would hate to lose that reputation!

Have you ever wanted to be a school mascot?  We have an opportunity for you!  You can be the Knight at our assembly on Friday for the Wizards AND at the event the following Friday at Littleton High School.  See Ms. Rahne if you are interested!

8th Graders - you need to be watching your high school’s website for freshman registration information.  
HHS has freshman registration on Feb 2nd & Feb 3rd @ 6:30pm
LHS has freshman registration on Feb 4th @ 7:00pm
AHS has freshman registration on April 4th @ TBA

STUDENTS  - It costs just $10 for a student ticket to see the Harlem Wizards do trick hoops and alley oops! Head to Littleton High School  at 7:00 on Friday February 12th to watch the Wizards play your teachers. Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!

Wednesday 2-19-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 19, 2025      ODD Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unite...