
September 18,2015 - EVEN Day Schedule


Pig in a Blanket
Philly Cheesesteak Sub



The CODE cart will be at lunch TODAY!  Bring your CODE cards for some yummy treats! You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go back and get them.

Calling all Newton soccer players! The most exclusive club in town will be Tuesdays right after school until 4 pm. We will start kickin' it  Tuesday the 22 nd of September. Bring your gear and get ready for a club that the likes of Messi and Wombach would look foolish in! Meet by the flag pole on the 22nd. This club is for everyone interested in soccer! See Ms. Swingler for questions.

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TODAY right after school outside the front of the school  Same three flavors and cost is the same $2 for a 8oz and $4 for 16 oz.  We hope to see everyone there again and have others join us.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Attention all student council members.  We will be meeting  Wednesday, September 23rd to sign up for Dance a thon jobs, talk more about The Haunted House and start working on birthday celebrations. Bring scissors, glue and markers to meeting.  See you Wednesday in Mrs. Mack's room.

Save the date-Sunday October 25th for the 20th annual stride event. Join your fellow students and staff in either a 5K or 10K race through the beautiful streets of Littleton. We have been challenged to win the school competition, so we need to have as many participates as possible join the Newton team. If  our school has the largest percentage of participates, we win $1000! Go to to register for this awesome event! See Ms.Osthoff or Mr. Blake with questions.

Students - we are seeing alot of students riding their bikes in front of Newton in the morning. Once you cross Arapahoe Rd or Colorado Bld you are on school grounds and need to walk your bikes.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...