
September 15, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule


Turkey Roast & Gravy
Egg Roll

Yogurt & Muffin


The first meeting of the Stop Motion Lego Club is TOMORROW, yes, you heard it, tomorrow. Will you be there? Join us for Lego building challenges, stop motion movie making and snacks. Come to room 1587 in the C wing tomorrow after school. No legos or experience necessary!

Art club will be meeting TODAY.  Please join us in the art room to explore with paper mache and plaster cast.  If you haven't paid your club fee, please bring it this week!  Please see Ms. J Andrews if you have any questions.

Students- If a teacher writes you a pass for Knight Time, you need to check in with your regularly scheduled first so they can take attendance.  Your homeroom teacher will post a schedule of the week's Knight Time schedule on Monday mornings for you to look at.  Please check the schedule every day so you know where to go!

Sorry boarders. Skateboarding club has been canceled due to lack of membership.

TOMORROW is a LATE START day - doors open at 9:45!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...