
September 11. 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule


Teriyaki Chicken
Turkey Wrap



The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TODAY right after school outside the front of the school  Same three flavors and cost is the same $2 for a 8oz and $4 for 16 oz.  We hope to see everyone there again and have others join us.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Any sports fans out there? Well, we've got the club for you! The Fantasy Football Club will be having our first informational meeting  on Monday at 2:45 pm. No experience needed! Just come enjoy drafting a team, snacks, and hanging out with friends. Hope to see everyone there!

Students- 6th graders will be getting their take home devices today and 7th and 8th graders will be getting theirs Monday and Tuesday during social studies classes.  Please make sure you have turned in your signed form so that you can get your device on time.

Attention Student Council Members!!!!  Don't forget to go over the information about the Dance A Thon and Make a Wish Foundation in homeroom today.  The power point presentation has been shared with your teachers.  Make note of any questions for Mrs. Mack.  Thanks for helping with this worthwhile event.

Love building with Legos? Love the Lego movie? Come join the LEGO Stop Motion Club! Use our Legos or bring your own set to create awesome Lego structures and stop motion videos.
This club is open to everyone - no movie or LEGO experience necessary!
We will meet each Wednesday and our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 16th in room 1587 of C wing. Come check out some stop motion Lego movies and join us for a creative and inspiring year ahead! See Mrs. Silverman for more details!

Students- If a teacher writes you a pass for Knight Time, you need to check in with your regularly scheduled first so they can take attendance.  Your homeroom teacher will post a schedule of the week's Knight Time schedule on Monday mornings for you to look at.  Please check the schedule every day so you know where to go!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...