
January 30,2015 EVEN Day Schedule

Chicken Burrito Bowl
Turkey & Cheese Wrap


Reminders & Announcements:

Attention students participating in the spelling bee:  TODAY during homeroom is the oral round.  Come to Mrs. Lacey's room at the beginning of homeroom, so we can get started right away.  Don't forget to arrange a ride home just in case we don't finish during homeroom time.

Attention all 8th grade families. The deadline to get your baby ad placed in the yearbook is coming up. The deadline is TODAY. See the front page of the NMS website and follow the link to order your baby ad today.

"All STEM students from Mr. Cohen's class 1st semester that need to pick up or complete their clock project should see Mr. Finer during Home Room TODAY."

Applications for Newton's chapter of National Junior Honor Society were handed out to  potential new members on Thursday.  If you are an 8th grader with a GPA of 3.5 or higher or a 7th grader with a GPA of 3.7 or higher and you do not receive one, please see either Mrs. Hissem or Mrs. Petrelli as soon as possible.  Applications are due as indicated in the packet by no later than the end of school on Friday, February 6.  Please talk to Mrs. Hissem or Mrs. Petrelli if you have questions.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...