
January 14, 2015 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Pig in a Blanket

Chicken Caesar Salad

Reminders & Announcements:
Attention Newton Fantasy Footballers: We will have our final meeting TODAY after school in Mr. Atherton's room.  Come for trophies, empty Mr. A's prizes out and some final trash talk.  See Mr. A in Room 214 with questions

Do you have a special talent like singing, dancing, or playing an instrument. Maybe you are entertaining and can act silly and make people laugh. We are looking for some talented entertainers to perform in this years talent show. By yourself, with a friend, or with a group, we know you can come up with something. So get the ideas rolling! There will be more details about the talent show to follow.

Recognition and Awards Ceremonies will be held TODAY The schedule is as follows:
7th grade:   8:00 am
6th grade:   9:30 am
8th grade:   12:45 pm

Wednesday 2-19-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 19, 2025      ODD Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unite...