PizzaYogurt Cup & Muffin
Honey BBQ DrumstickGrilled Cheese
check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information
on the following:
you enjoy hanging out with friends on a Friday night? Need something to do? This
Friday, September 26th is a Newton
Spotlight Skate at Skate City. What does that mean? From 6pm- 10pm during a regular public skating session,
Newton students get special discounts on admission
and food. See your Homeroom teacher for
a flyer! Extra flyers will also be available in the office.
Attention all students interested in the New York City/Washington DC
trip, we will be having a fundraiser meeting
in the band room (503) immediately after school on Thursday. Please
arrange for transportation home.
The code cart will be here next Thursday NOT this Thursday!
Make sure you are checking your KT classes EVERYDAY! Classes are not
always the same from week to week.
– please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin
boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!