French Toast Sticks and SausageFruit & Cheese Basket with Cinnamon Roll
Chicken TendersItalian Meatball Sub
check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information
on the following:
The Washington DC/New York City
informational meeting for you and your parents is TOMORROW at 6:30 PM in room
503. Please see Mr. Fox or Ms. Thomas for more information.
Spirit Days are back! The student Government class has come up with
spirit days in order to help increase school spirit. So, TOMORROW will be socks and sandals
day! So pull out those socks and wear
your sandals to school. And, if you
can’t find those socks yet, you can always just wear red and black.
Attention Artist!! Are you ready
for Art Club?? Come join us in the art room to explore various materials, even
try out a potter’s wheel! Our first
meeting will be on Monday, September 15th at 3:00 in the art room. Sign up on
the door outside Room 406 or see Mrs. J Andrews with questions!!
Attention Fantasy Footballers- We
will meet this Thursday after school for our first set of prizes (new prizes
this year) and to get ready for week 2. Meet
at 3:00 on Thursday in Room 214 and please see Mr. Atherton ahead of time if
you cannot be there.
– please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin
boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!