
September 19,2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Fresh Fruit & Cheese Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TODAY after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes,$2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

"Students~the backpack program is running today after school by the mini theater. If your family needs food for the weekend, just stop by and grab a backpack with food to bring home."

Do you enjoy hanging out with friends on a Friday night? Need something to do? Next Friday, September 26th is a Newton Spotlight Skate at Skate City. What does that mean? From 6pm-10pm during a regular public skating session, Newton students get special discounts on admission and food.  See your Homeroom teacher for a flyer! Extra flyers will also be available in the office.

Every September is Deaf Awareness month. Next week we will be celebrating Deaf Awareness week!! Every day during lunch we will be selling earplugs for $0.50. On Friday we will have Deaf day! Wear your ear plugs and see what it is like to be deaf or hard-of-hearing. Also pay attention to the announcements next week for fun facts and trivia questions that can win you awesome prizes!

Picture Retakes are Sept 25th

  • If you were absent on schedule pickup day – you will get a pass with a time to come to the mini theater – please stop in the office before the 25th for a flyer to take home.
  • If you want retakes and DID NOT already purchase a packet you MUST come to the office before the 25th and get an order form to bring back with payment on the 25th.
  • If you want retakes and ALREADY ORDERED and RECEIVED a packet – you must bring back the COMPLETE packet in order to get new pictures taken.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...