
September 30, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Yogurt Cup and Muffin

French Toast Sticks
Fruit & Cheese Basket

Reminders & Announcements:

Listen up 6th grade. Writers, editors, reporters and photographers are needed for the Newton Knight Newspaper Club. Our first meeting will be next Monday, October 6th in Mrs. Svigel's room. Look for signup sheets outside room 304, and throughout the C wing hallway. Our newspaper will be written and published by club members each month for all 6th graders to read!

LISTEN CAREFULLY --------- Make sure you are checking your KT classes EVERYDAY! Classes are not always the same from week to week or day to day. 

PLEASE CLEAN UP YOUR TABLE AND THE FLOOR BEFORE GOING OUTSIDE AT LUNCHTIME.  We will start dismissing by tables if the messes continue!

"Aloha!"  Missing summer?  This Thursday we are bringing it back with Hawaiian day!  Why are we having a spirit day on Thursday?  Because that's when the code cart and spirit cart will be in the cafeteria.  Wear floral, in your hair, on your shirt, around your neck!  Anything floral or Hawaiian on Thursday!

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!

PARENTS – Please watch our website for last minute activity cancellations.
We will post as soon as we know!


September 29, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Pig in a Blanket

Yogurt Cup and Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

Listen up 6th grade. Writers, editors, reporters and photographers are needed for the Newton Knight Newspaper Club. Our first meeting will be next Monday, October 6th in Mrs. Svigel's room. Look for signup sheets outside room 304, and throughout the C wing hallway. Our newspaper will be written and published by club members each month for all 6th graders to read!

Make sure you are checking your KT classes EVERYDAY! Classes are not always the same from week to week. 

PLEASE CLEAN UP YOUR TABLE AND THE FLOOR BEFORE GOING OUTSIDE AT LUNCHTIME.  We will start dismissing by tables if the messes continue!

Attention 7th grade track members- Our final track meet is today. We will meet on the East side of the building to catch the bus. The bus will leave at 2:55 for Euclid. If you are unavailable to make today's meet please see Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski as soon as you can.

"Aloha!"  Missing summer?  This Thursday we are bringing it back with Hawaiian day!  Why are we having a spirit day on Thursday?  Because that's when the code cart and spirit cart will be in the cafeteria.  Wear floral, in your hair, on your shirt, around your neck!  Anything floral or Hawaiian on Thursday!

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!



September 26, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Chicken Rotini Alfredo
Chef Salad



Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Do you enjoy hanging out with friends on a Friday night? Need something to do? TONIGHT is a Newton Spotlight Skate at Skate City. What does that mean? From 6pm-10pm during a regular public skating session, Newton students get special discounts on admission and food. See your Homeroom teacher for a flyer! Extra flyers will also be available in the office.

Make sure you are checking your KT classes EVERYDAY! Classes are not always the same from week to week. 

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TODAY after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes,$2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in Deaf Awareness week with us! We are excited to see everyone wearing their earplugs today! The lucky winners are Jack J, Haley R, and Sarah K! Go to the main office to get your prize! Have fun and good luck being Deaf today! THANKS SO MUCH!

Students - please look at the table in the lunchroom and see if you have a lunchbox there. These will be thrown away soon if not claimed!


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!



September 25, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Sloppy Joe
Corn Dog

Chicken Rotini Alfredo
Chef Salad
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Do you enjoy hanging out with friends on a Friday night? Need something to do? TOMORROW is a Newton Spotlight Skate at Skate City. What does that mean? From 6pm-10pm during a regular public skating session, Newton students get special discounts on admission and food. See your Homeroom teacher for a flyer! Extra flyers will also be available in the office.

Attention all students interested in the New York City/Washington DC trip, we will be having a fundraiser meeting  in the band room (503) immediately after school TODAY. Please arrange for transportation home. also, make you sure you enroll before October 1st as the price of the tour will increase on that day. Please see Mr. Fox or Ms. Thomas if you need information on the tour.

Attention Fantasy Footballers- Today's fantasy football meeting has been cancelled, we will award double prizes next week.  See Mr. Atherton with questions.

Did you know that hearing people use sign language too? Scuba divers often use sign language under water to communicate with each other! Deaf Awareness Week is continuing! Don’t forget today is the last day to buy your earplugs during lunch for $0.50 to wear this Friday for Deaf Day! The lucky winners to yesterday's trivia question are Jessica N, Sarah D, and Ella C. Today’s trivia question is: name one way that Deaf people can communicate that is not face-to-face. Enter the drawing by writing your answer and submitting in the box at lunch. One lucky person per grade will be the winner and receive a super awesome prize!

Make sure you are checking your KT classes EVERYDAY! Classes are not always the same from week to week. 

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again this Friday after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes,$2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Students - please look at the table in the lunchroom and see if you have a lunchbox there. These will be thrown away soon if not claimed!


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!


September 24, 2014 - ALL Day Schedule


Honey BBQ Drumstick
Grilled Cheese

Sloppy Joe
Corn  Dog

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

            Do you enjoy hanging out with friends on a Friday night? Need something to do? This Friday,      September 26th is a Newton Spotlight Skate at Skate City. What does that mean? From 6pm- 10pm during a regular public skating session, Newton students get special discounts on          admission and food.  See your Homeroom teacher for a flyer! Extra flyers will also be available in the office.

Attention all students interested in the New York City/Washington DC trip, we will be having a fundraiser meeting  in the band room (503) immediately after school TOMORROW. Please arrange for transportation home.

Did you know that Deafness is not contagious however Deaf parents are more likely to pass the Deaf gene to their children? Deaf Awareness Week is continuing! Don’t forget to buy your earplugs during lunch for $0.50 to wear this Friday for Deaf Day! The lucky winners of yesterday's trivia question are Quinn J, Lindsey W, and Birdie U. Today’s trivia question is: what does the acronym CODA mean? Enter the drawing by writing your answer and submitting in the box at lunch. One lucky person will be the winner and receive a super awesome prize!

Make sure you are checking your KT classes EVERYDAY! Classes are not always the same from week to week. 

Fantasy Footballers- We will be meeting for Fantasy Football Club TOMORROW at 3:00 in Room        214.  Please check in with Mr. Atherton if you can’t come.  Members who miss more than 4   meetings will have their team disbanded, so make sure you come and get your prizes and get        your team ready for the next week!!

Picture Retakes are TOMORROW –

           If you were absent on schedule pickup day – you will get a pass in 1st period with a time to come to the mini theater.

           If you want retakes and DID NOT already purchase a packet you MUST come to the        office before tomorrow and get an order form to bring back with payment. We will       announce on the PA when you should come to the mini theater

           If you want retakes and ALREADY ORDERED and RECEIVED a packet – you must        bring back the COMPLETE packet in order to get new pictures taken. We will anoounce             when you should come to the mini theater


Students - please look at the table in the lunchroom and see if you have a lunchbox there. These will be thrown away soon if not claimed!


                Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for                 flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!



September 23, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Honey BBQ Drumstick
Grilled Cheese

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

            Do you enjoy hanging out with friends on a Friday night? Need something to do? This Friday,      September 26th is a Newton Spotlight Skate at Skate City. What does that mean? From 6pm- 10pm during a regular public skating session, Newton students get special discounts on admission and food.  See your Homeroom teacher for a flyer! Extra flyers will also be available in the office.

Attention all students interested in the New York City/Washington DC trip, we will be having a fundraiser meeting  in the band room (503) immediately after school on Thursday. Please arrange for transportation home.

 Did you know that an audiologist is a doctor that specializes in studying the ear? Deaf Awareness Week is continuing! Don’t forget to buy your earplugs during lunch for $0.50 to wear this Friday for Deaf Day! The answer to yesterday’s question (which famous football player won the Superbowl last year, and is known for being deaf) is Derek Coleman. The lucky winner is Hannah G, come down to the front office to claim your prize. Today’s trivia question is: name three different ways an individual may become deaf. Enter the drawing by writing your answer and submitting in the box at lunch. One lucky person will be the winner and receive a super awesome prize!

The code cart will be here next Thursday NOT this Thursday!

Make sure you are checking your KT classes EVERYDAY! Classes are not always the same from week to week. 


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 22, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Sub Sandwich

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

            Do you enjoy hanging out with friends on a Friday night? Need something to do? This Friday,     September 26th is a Newton Spotlight Skate at Skate City. What does that mean? From 6pm- 10pm during a regular public skating session, Newton students get special discounts on          admission and food.  See your Homeroom teacher for a flyer! Extra flyers will also be available in the office.

Attention all students interested in the New York City/Washington DC trip, we will be having a fundraiser meeting  in the band room (503) immediately after school on Thursday. Please arrange for transportation home.

Did you know that the football huddle was created by deaf people so they could discuss their next play without other teams seeing?! Today is the first day of Deaf Awareness Week. Don’t forget to buy your earplugs during lunch for $0.50 to wear this Friday for Deaf Day! Today’s trivia question is: which famous football player won the super bowl last year, and is also known for being Deaf? Enter the drawing by writing your answer and submitting it in the box in the library. One lucky person will be the winner by random drawing and receive a super awesome prize!

Attention Artist!! Art Club will meet today after school in the art room.  Come and explore various materials like wire and printmaking, even try out a potter’s wheel!   If you haven't already signed up, please join us anyway.  If you have any questions see Mrs. J Andrews.
Attention 7th Grade Track members- Our track meet is at Powell today after school. The bus will leave from the East parking lot at 2:55. All 7th grade track athletes must ride the bus. Make sure you have your jersey. See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski if you have any questions.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!


September 19,2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Fresh Fruit & Cheese Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TODAY after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes,$2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

"Students~the backpack program is running today after school by the mini theater. If your family needs food for the weekend, just stop by and grab a backpack with food to bring home."

Do you enjoy hanging out with friends on a Friday night? Need something to do? Next Friday, September 26th is a Newton Spotlight Skate at Skate City. What does that mean? From 6pm-10pm during a regular public skating session, Newton students get special discounts on admission and food.  See your Homeroom teacher for a flyer! Extra flyers will also be available in the office.

Every September is Deaf Awareness month. Next week we will be celebrating Deaf Awareness week!! Every day during lunch we will be selling earplugs for $0.50. On Friday we will have Deaf day! Wear your ear plugs and see what it is like to be deaf or hard-of-hearing. Also pay attention to the announcements next week for fun facts and trivia questions that can win you awesome prizes!

Picture Retakes are Sept 25th

  • If you were absent on schedule pickup day – you will get a pass with a time to come to the mini theater – please stop in the office before the 25th for a flyer to take home.
  • If you want retakes and DID NOT already purchase a packet you MUST come to the office before the 25th and get an order form to bring back with payment on the 25th.
  • If you want retakes and ALREADY ORDERED and RECEIVED a packet – you must bring back the COMPLETE packet in order to get new pictures taken.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!





September 18,2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Chicken Poppers
Santa Fe Tacos

BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Fresh Fruit & Cheese Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:
Attention Fantasy Footballers- We are meeting today after school in Room 214 for prizes, trades, etc.  See Mr. Atherton before you go home if you can't mkae it to pick up your prizes.

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again this Friday after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes,$2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Picture Retakes are Sept 25th

  • If you were absent on schedule pickup day – you will get a pass with a time to come to the mini theater – please stop in the office before the 25th for a flyer to take home.
  • If you want retakes and DID NOT already purchase a packet you MUST come to the office before the 25th and get an order form to bring back with payment on the 25th.
  • If you want retakes and ALREADY ORDERED and RECEIVED a packet – you must bring back the COMPLETE packet in order to get new pictures taken.


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 17, 2014 - ALL Day Schedule


Sliced Turkey Sandwich

Chicken Poppers
Santa Fe Tacos


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:
Picture Retakes are Sept 25th

  • If you were absent on schedule pickup day – you will get a pass with a time to come to the mini theater – please stop in the office before the 25th for a flyer to take home.
  • If you want retakes and DID NOT already purchase a packet you MUST come to the office before the 25th and get an order form to bring back with payment on the 25th.
  • If you want retakes and ALREADY ORDERED and RECEIVED a packet – you must bring back the COMPLETE packet in order to get new pictures taken.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 16, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Sliced Turkey Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Newton Knights you have another opportunity to earn a Spirit ticket this week! Go watch your fellow 8th grade Knights compete against Euclid in the track meet today after school.  Reminder three tickets gets you one item off of the Spirit cart!

Picture Retakes are Sept 25th

  • If you were absent on schedule pickup day – you will get a pass with a time to come to the mini theater – please stop in the office before the 25th for a flyer to take home.
  • If you want retakes and DID NOT already purchase a packet you MUST come to the office before the 25th and get an order form to bring back with payment on the 25th.
  • If you want retakes and ALREADY ORDERED and RECEIVED a packet – you must bring back the COMPLETE packet in order to get new pictures taken.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 15, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
Southwest Deli Wrap

Yogurt Cup & Muffin


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention Artist!! Art Club starts today! Come to the art room after school to explore various materials like wire and printmaking, even try out a potter’s wheel!   If you haven't already signed up, please join us anyway.  If you have any questions see Mrs. J Andrews.

Attention all seventh-grade track athletes. Today is your first first track meet at home against Goddard. Meet down the track as quickly as you can after school to help us get set up for the track meet. In addition, you will receive your jersey after school on the track.  Let's get after it today Knights!

Do you want to earn a ticket to get free gear off the Spirit cart? Come to the 7th grade track meet today after school to cheer on your fellow Knights!

Please stay off of the bleachers at lunchtime!

Picture Retakes are Sept 25th

  • If you were absent on schedule pickup day – you will get a pass with a time to come to the mini theater – please stop in the office before the 25th for a flyer to take home.
  • If you want retakes and DID NOT already purchase a packet you MUST come to the office before the 25th and get an order form to bring back with payment on the 25th.
  • If you want retakes and ALREADY ORDERED and RECEIVED a packet – you must bring back the COMPLETE packet in order to get new pictures taken.



Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 12, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Vegetarian Chef Salad


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention Artists!! Are you ready for Art Club?? Come join us in the art room to explore various materials, even try out a potter’s wheel!  Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 15th at 3:00 in the art room. Sign up on the door outside Room 406 or see Mrs. J Andrews with questions!!

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TODAY after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes, $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Please stay off of the bleachers at lunchtime!

Picture Retakes are Sept 25th

  • If you were absent on schedule pickup day – you will get a pass with a time to come to the mini theater – please stop in the office before the 25th for a flyer to take home.
  • If you want retakes and DID NOT already purchase a packet you MUST come to the office before the 25th and get an order form to bring back with payment on the 25th.
  • If you want retakes and ALREADY ORDERED and RECEIVED a packet – you must bring back the COMPLETE packet in order to get new pictures taken.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 11, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Chicken Tenders
Italian Meatball Sub

Vegetarian Chef Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The Washington DC/New York City informational meeting for you and your parents is TONIGHT at 6:30 PM in room 503. Please see Mr. Fox or Ms. Thomas for more information.

Attention Artists!! Are you ready for Art Club?? Come join us in the art room to explore various materials, even try out a potter’s wheel!  Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 15th at 3:00 in the art room. Sign up on the door outside Room 406 or see Mrs. J Andrews with questions!!

Attention Fantasy Footballers- We will meet TODAY after school for our first set of prizes (new prizes this year) and to get ready for week 2.  Meet at 3:00 in Room 214 and please see Mr. Atherton ahead of time if you cannot be there.

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TOMORROW after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes, $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Students – please dress appropriately for the weather.  It is supposed to get much colder for tomorrow with possible snow flurries – you will be outside before school starts and at lunchtime so you need to be prepared.

 Please stay off of the bleachers at lunchtime!

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!



September 10, 2014 - LATE START Schedule


French Toast Sticks and Sausage
Fruit & Cheese Basket with Cinnamon Roll

Chicken Tenders
Italian Meatball Sub


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The Washington DC/New York City informational meeting for you and your parents is TOMORROW at 6:30 PM in room 503. Please see Mr. Fox or Ms. Thomas for more information.
Spirit Days are back!  The student Government class has come up with spirit days in order to help increase school spirit.  So, TOMORROW will be socks and sandals day!  So pull out those socks and wear your sandals to school.  And, if you can’t find those socks yet, you can always just wear red and black.

Attention Artist!! Are you ready for Art Club?? Come join us in the art room to explore various materials, even try out a potter’s wheel!  Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 15th at 3:00 in the art room. Sign up on the door outside Room 406 or see Mrs. J Andrews with questions!!

Attention Fantasy Footballers- We will meet this Thursday after school for our first set of prizes (new prizes this year) and to get ready for week 2.  Meet at 3:00 on Thursday in Room 214 and please see Mr. Atherton ahead of time if you cannot be there.


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 9,2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Yogurt Cup & Muffin           

French Toast Sticks and Sausage
Fruit & Cheese Basket with Cinnamon Roll

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The Washington DC/New York City informational meeting for you and your parents is this Thursday, September 11 at 6:30 PM in room 503. Please see Mr. Fox or Ms. Thomas for more information.
Spirit Days are back!  The student Government class has come up with spirit days in order to help increase school spirit.  So, this Thursday will be socks and sandals day!  So pull out those socks and wear your sandals to school.  And, if you can’t find those socks yet, you can always just wear red and black.

Start working towards earning your first spirit ticket. Come see your fellow Knights compete in the track meet against Powell today after school. Once you earn 3 tickets you may exchange your tickets for an item on the spirit cart.

Don’t forget – tomorrow is a late start day!


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 8, 2014 ODD Day Schedule


Chicken Burrito Bowl
Turkey & Cheese Wrap          

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Washington DC/New York City informational meeting for you and your parents is this Thursday, September 11 at 6:30 PM in room 503. Please see Mr. Fox or Ms. Thomas for more information.

I've got spirit yes I do I've got spirit how about you? Would you like to earn free Newton spirit gear? Here's what you have to do... attend at least 3 Newton events and be present when attendance tickets are handed out. You will be given a ticket showing your attendance at the event and once you've earn 3 tickets you may exchange your tickets for an item on the spirit cart. The first Newton event is the 8th grade track meet TOMORROW. So get out there and support your fellow Knights!!!


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!



September 5, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Chicken Nuggets
Taco Salad                 

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

We will be selling Jamba again TODAY after school in same place outside the main entrance to the school.  REMEMBER – you must drink them outside!

Attention 6th graders- If you are interested in joining Track and Field this fall and missed the meeting yesterday see Mr. Wilmes.

Hey 7th and 8th grade students, do you want to travel with your friends? Then don't miss this year's Washington DC/New York City tour. There will be an informational meeting for you and your parents Thursday, September 11 at 6:30 PM in room 503. Please see Mr. Fox or Ms. Thomas for more information. Parents – this is not a school sponsored event!

Hey Newton!!! Did you see all the awesome spirit gear in the cafeteria yesterday? We will be selling t-shirts, bags, socks, and hats the first thursday of every month when the code cart is here.

I've got spirit yes I do I've got spirit how about you? Would you like to earn free Newton spirit gear? Here's what you have to do... attend at least 3 Newton events and be present when attendance tickets are handed out. You will be given a ticket showing your attendance at the event and once you've earn 3 tickets you may exchange your tickets for an item on the spirit cart. The first Newton event is the 8th grade track meet on September 9th. So get out there and support your fellow Knights!!!


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!



September 4, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich                        

Chicken Nuggets
Taco Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The CODE cart is back!! Bring your CODE cards to lunch TODAY to trade in for treats and goodies. You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get your cards. We also have something new this year! We will be selling Newton spirit gear. Bring money to buy a Newton T-Shirt, hat, or maybe even some socks. Listen for announcements to find out more information about the spirit cart.

Thanks to all of the students that came and bought a Jamba Juice last Friday we had a great turn out.  We will be selling Jamba again TOMORROW after school in same place outside the main entrance to the school.  We will have the same three flavors and sizes $2 for a 8oz and $4 for a 16 oz.  Come enjoy a Jamba Juice and help support the PE department we look forward to seeing you there. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Attention 6th graders- The time has come for your track meeting. If you are interested in joining Track and Field this fall there is an interest meeting TODAY in Mr. Wilmes' room, 310. The meeting will start at 2:55. It is not a very long meeting so make sure you figure out how you are getting home. There is a late bus at 4:00. If you can not make the meeting see Mr. Wilmes.


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!




September 3, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Orange Glazed Chicken
Sub Sandwich                                    

Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:
The Littleton High School girls basketball clinic continues after school TODAY. Make sure you have a ride home! See Ms. Thomas with any questions.

The CODE cart is back!! Bring your CODE cards to lunch TOMORRROW to trade in for treats and goodies. You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get your cards. We also have something new this year! We will be selling Newton spirit gear. Bring money to buy a Newton T-Shirt, hat, or maybe even some socks. Listen for announcements to find out more information about the spirit cart.

Thanks to all of the students that came and bought a Jamba Juice last Friday we had a great turn out.  We will be selling Jamba again this Friday after school in same place outside the main entrance to the school.  We will have the same three flavors and sizes $2 for a 8oz and $4 for a 16 oz.  Come enjoy a Jamba Juice and help support the PE department we look forward to seeing you there. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Attention 6th graders- The time has come for your track meeting. If you are interested in joining Track and Field this fall there is an interest meeting TOMORROW in Mr. Wilmes' room, 310. The meeting will start at 2:55. It is not a very long meeting so make sure you figure out how you are getting home. There is a late bus at 4:00. If you can not make the meeting see Mr. Wilmes.


Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!



Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...