
May 7, 2014 - WEDNESDAY Schedule


Featured Entrée
French Toast Sticks with Sausage
Alternate Choice
Side Selections

Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Popcorn Chicken
Side Selections
Cinnamon Roll
Green Beans
Sweet Potato fries


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


 All Run with the Knights t-shirt order forms need to be turned into Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge by TODAY at 3:00.  We hope you will buy a shirt and start getting excited about this years race.  T-shirts will be delivered to you sometime next week. You can get your order forms from Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge, from the main office or on line on the Newton web page.  Please contact Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.

The CODE cart is back!  Please bring your code cards to lunch TOMORROW to trade them in for a treat!  There are all sorts of goodies to choose from, so bring your cards to lunch.  You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to get your code card, so please bring them with you!

 Attn: 6th & 7th Graders – Please let your parents know that information regarding next year’s schedule pick up is now on the website under the Parent Tab labeled 2014-15 Registration Information


Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...