
March 4, 2013 - ODD Day schedule


Today                                                                         Tomorrow

Pizza                                                           Mac & Cheese

Fish Sandwich                                            Chicken Patty on a Bun

PBJ Sandwich                                            PBJ/Tuna Sandwich                         

Salad                                                          Salad                                                                                                         



Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:





Ready to bump, set, spike?  For any 8th grade girl interested in playing volleyball this spring, there will be a brief informational meeting after school TOMORROW in room 108.  Make sure to arrange a ride home.  Unable to attend?  See Mrs. Mack or Ms. Timinski for information.


If you are auditioning for the talent show, please make sure you check the audition schedule outside the choir room or outside Ms. Plegge's office.  The 3rd audition date is tomorrow after school.  If you miss your audition because you don't know about or forget to show up, you will not have another chance. 


If you applied for membership to NJHS, check for a list of accepted new members on the NJHS bulletin board in B wing after lunch today.  The Induction Ceremony welcoming new members will be at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 5 in the Library.  If you have any questions, please see either Mrs. Hissem or Mrs. Petrelli.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...