
March 15, 2013 - TCAP Schedule


Today                                                                         Tomorrow

Beef Strips with Mashed Potatoes


PBJ /Egg Salad Sandwich

Salad                                                          Salad                                                


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:




Attention All 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players- Please return your uniforms (both Jerseys and Shorts) to Mr. Atherton in Room 214 along with $2 by March 18th. We will have our team party after school on Thursday March 21st to Eat Pizza and watch Day 1 of March Madness!!


Today is your LAST CHANCE to win a free Kindle!!!! Bring your CODE cards to lunch today and GREAT work on TCAP this week~Newton Students ROCK!


Newton Knights~today is No Place for Hate Spirit Day. Don't forget to wear your pins at lunch today and you could win a prize!!


Attention all students that want to tryout for the 2013-2014 Arapahoe High School Cheerleading Team...There will be a pre-tryout meeting on March 19th at Arapahoe if you are interested. Please see the Arapahoe Website for more information."


Attention 8th Grade Parents and students attending Arapahoe this Fall:

There will be a Registration Meeting on Monday, April 8th at 6:00 in the Arapahoe High School Gymnasium (west end of building) for Parents and Students.  The purpose of this meeting is to distribute registration and course selection materials as well as describe the scheduling process.  Information will be given at a general meeting and then counselors and department representatives will be available after the meeting to answer specific questions. 

Welcome to Arapahoe High School!


Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...