
September 20, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Grilled Turkey & Cheddar sandwich                   Popcorn chicken
Pigs in a Blanket                                         French Toast Sticks
PBJ or Egg Salad Sandwich                       PBJ or tuna Sandwich
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all 8th grade boys and girls in Track.  Practice is cancelled for today.  Again, this is just for 8th graders.  Our next practice will be on Monday, September 24th.

Attention students interested in joining student council. We will have our first meeting today after school in the art room. If you like organizing school events, dances, and giving input on other activities come to student council. Everyone is welcome to attend! Questions? See Mrs. J Andrews or Mrs. Jenkins

Now is the time!!!!  Early registration for the Littleton Stride has begun at a discount.  Save five dollars if you register by this Friday.  We will have more information coming but if you know you want to do the run or the walk now is the time to register.  Ask Mrs. Mack or Mrs Plegge for more information if you are interested.

"Who likes cupcakes?! Girls, come to our next meeting of The Rockin' Club of Babes on Wednesday after school in the art room. We'll be making cupcakes, decorating them. and (of course) eating them!! Bring your club fee if you haven't already and any cupcake decorations you want to share to Ms. Burns in the office. See you there!"

Congratulations to the 7th grade track team on a great performance in their meet against Powell on Monday.  Newton girls beat Powell by dominating  the running events and coming out strong with the field events.   Despite their low numbers, the boys put up a good fight but unfortunately were defeated.  Don't forget practice is today after school.  We will be preparing for our final meet against Euclid on Monday.  Please see Mr. Wilmes or Mrs. Rodrigue if you cannot make the meet.   We need to know who is coming so that we can set up the races.  

As deaf awareness week continues, we wanted to answer some of the great questions posed by Newton Students.
First, how do people become deaf? Well there are many ways. Some people are born deaf. Hospitals use Newborn infant hearing screening programs to identify hearing loss in infants shortly after birth. Some people can lose their hearing from an illness, such as meningitis. Other people damage their hearing by listening to loud music with or without headphones, or working near loud machinery without proper protection.
Second, can deaf people regain hearing? We can improve what we hear by using technology, like hearing aids or amplification systems. Now imagine that you took a photograph that was blurry. Wearing a hearing aid is like taking that photo, blowing it up and focusing on one piece of the photo to try to get a better picture. It does not become clear and crisp, but it is perhaps a little easier to figure out the subject.
Keep those great questions coming!

Do you like the color red? black? white? Do you secretly want to be a Knight? Well, you're in luck!! TOMORROW IS NEWTON SPIRIT DAY!! Come dressed in Newton colors!"

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...