
September 18, 2012 EVEN Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Mac & Cheese                                            Turkey with mashed potatoes
Chicken Patty on a Bun                              Hamburger
PBJ or Tuna sandwich                               PBJ Sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


The Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting tomorrow. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Attention students interested in joining student council. We will have our first meeting on Thursday after school in the art room. If you like organizing school events, dances, and giving input on other activities come to student council. Everyone is welcome to attend! Questions? See Mrs. J Andrews or Mrs. Jenkins

Thank you for your responses to our Deaf Awareness Week Questions. The
overwhelmingly popular response to our Trivia Question was: da da da
da! Helen Keller. We would like to challenge everyone here at Newton,
staff included, to come up with a more modern-day famous deaf person.
Who watches Dancing with the Stars or The Apprentice?  Switched at
Birth? Hint, hint.
The Deaf Culture question of the day, asked by Alyssa L in 7th
grade: How do deaf people learn sign language? Answered by 6th grader
Logan A: Just like all of you learned English, I learned sign
language from my mom, who signed with me when I was little. I also
learned from my deaf education teachers, speech teachers, and
Remember to ask your questions about deaf culture, deafness, and/or
sign language and put your entries in the box in the cafeteria. Trivia
responses also go in the box in the cafeteria. Don’t forget to put
your name on the paper so you can claim your prize! Drawings will be
held every day.
Today’s winners: Alyssa L, Diego R, Eliza F, Tyler
M, Jessica B, and Natalie S. Claim your prize
in the main office. Thanks for being so Open-minded and participating
in our contest!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...