
September 17, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Pizza                                                           Mac & Cheese
Fish Sandwich                                            Chicken Patty on a Bun
PBJ Sandwich                                            PBJ or Tuna sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


The Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting Wednesday. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Art Club meets today until 4:00 in the art room.  Hope to see you there.  IF you have any questions please see Mrs. J Andrews.

Attention all 7th grade track members.  We have a meet TODAY.  Please remember to bring your jersey.  We will not have extras.  Also, don't forget your water bottles.  We will meet in the East parking lot.  Buses will be leaving at 3:00.  Do not be late!

Attention students interested in joining student council. We will have our first meeting on Thursday, Sept. 20th after school in the art room. If you like organizing school events, dances, and giving input on other activities come to student council. Everyone is welcome to attend! Questions? See Mrs. J Andrews or Mrs. Jenkins

Have you ever wondered how a deaf person knows when their door bell rings, or when to answer the phone? What about fire alarms? How do they know when class is over?  Maybe you have seen someone using sign language, and you want to know more about it. Is it the same all around the world? Well, now is your chance to learn more about deafness, Deaf Culture, signed languages, and more! This week is National Deaf Awareness Week.  Write your questions on a slip of paper and drop it in the box in the cafeteria. The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support Staff and students will read answers to the best questions in the announcements all week.  Also, listen for Trivia questions in the announcements. There will be a box in the cafeteria for your answers to the Trivia Questions. Prizes will be awarded! Today's trivia question is: Can you name a famous deaf person?

Do you like the color red? black? white? Do you secretly want to be a Knight? Well, you're in luck!! THIS FRIDAY IS NEWTON SPIRIT DAY!! Come dressed in Newton colors!"

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...