
September 28, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Turkey Wrap
Chicken Teriyaki
PBJ or Tuna sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Do you have some great pictures of what you did over the summer or of you participating in a unique activity or sport? If so, the Blazon yearbook staff wants your pics!! This is your chance to shine in Newton's great yearbook. Information on how to upload your photos can be found on posters throughout the school.

If you had pictures taken yesterday – your ID badges are in the office. Please stop by and pick them up.

Open Enrollment begins on Monday, Oct 1st
If you are a 6th or 7th graders and are open enrolled to Newton, please stop by and see Mrs. Rice for an Intent to Renew Form for next year.

WEB Leaders: We will meet in the cave today for Homeroom. Please bring your LifeSkills Book, your planner, and a pen or pencil.


September 27, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Pepperoni Pizza Pocket                              Turkey Wrap
Grilled Cheese                                            Chicken Teriyaki
PBJ or Tuna Sandwich                               PBJ or Tuna sandwich
Salad                                                           Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Do you have some great pictures of what you did over the summer or of you participating in a unique activity or sport? If so, the Blazon yearbook staff wants your pics!! This is your chance to shine in Newton's great yearbook. Information on how to upload your photos can be found on posters throughout the school.

Picture retakes are TODAY!  Some of you will be receiving passes in a few moments from your 1st period teacher. If you do not receive a pass  AND you have not had a picture taken please come to the mini theater at 8:00.  If you need retakes for picture purchases only – you must bring your packet with you and come to the mini theater at 9:00. We will not retake pictures for the yearbook only.

Teachers – please make sure you have your pictures taken if you did not do so on Schedule Pickup Day.

Teachers – If you have not handed out your passes – please do so now!


September 26, 2012 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Beef Strips with Mashed Potatoes              Pepperoni Pizza Pocket
Ravioli with Meatballs                               Grilled Cheese
PBJ or Egg Salad Sandwich                       PBJ or Tuna Sandwich
Salad                                                           Salad                                                

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"Who likes cupcakes?! Girls, come to our next meeting of The Rockin' Club of Babes today after school in the art room. We'll be making cupcakes, decorating them. and (of course) eating them!! Bring your club fee if you haven't already and any cupcake decorations you want to share to Ms. Burns in the office. See you there!"

Do you have some great pictures of what you did over the summer or of you participating in a unique activity or sport? If so, the Blazon yearbook staff wants your pics!! This is your chance to shine in Newton's great yearbook. Information on how to upload your photos can be found on posters throughout the school.

Picture retakes are TOMORROW!  Some of you will be getting passes in your 1st period class on Thursday to come have your picture taken. If you do not receive a pass from your 1st period teacher right away on Thursday morning AND you have not had a picture taken please come to the mini theater at 8:00.  If you need retakes for picture purchases only – you must bring your packet with you and come to the mini theater at 9:00. We will not retake pictures for the yearbook only.

Teachers – please make sure you have your pictures taken if you did not do so on Schedule Pickup Day.


September 25, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Colorado Baked Potato                              Beef Strips with Mashed Potatoes
Chicken Patty on a Bun                              Ravioli with Meatballs
PBJ Sandwich                                            PBJ or Egg Salad Sandwich
Salad                                                           Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"Who likes cupcakes?! Girls, come to our next meeting of The Rockin' Club of Babes tomorrow after school in the art room. We'll be making cupcakes, decorating them. and (of course) eating them!! Bring your club fee if you haven't already and any cupcake decorations you want to share to Ms. Burns in the office. See you there!"

The Round Table Equality Club will be meeting tomorrow morning in room 101. We will be working on plans for Ally Week and Mix-it Up at Lunch Day.

Do you have some great pictures of what you did over the summer or of you participating in a unique activity or sport? If so, the Blazon yearbook staff wants your pics!! This is your chance to shine in Newton's great yearbook. Information on how to upload your photos can be found on posters throughout the school.

Picture retakes are Thursday!  If you do not receive a pass from your 1st period teacher right away on Thursday morning and you have not had a picture taken please come to the mini theater at 8:00.  If you need retakes for picture purchases only – please bring your packet and come to the mini theater at 9:00.
We will not retake pictures for the yearbook only.

Teachers – please excuse students that need to come down ALSO please stop down and get your picture taken if you did not do so on Schedule Pickup Day.


September 24, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Pizza                                                           Colorado Baked Potato
Sub Sandwich                                             Chicken Patty on a Bun
PBJ Sandwich                                            PBJ Sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"Who likes cupcakes?! Girls, come to our next meeting of The Rockin' Club of Babes on Wednesday after school in the art room. We'll be making cupcakes, decorating them. and (of course) eating them!! Bring your club fee if you haven't already and any cupcake decorations you want to share to Ms. Burns in the office. See you there!"

Attention all 7th grade track members.  Our last meet is TODAY against Euclid.  Don't forget to bring your jersey and water bottle.  Meet in the East parking lot .  The bus will leave at 3:00.  Good Luck!


September 21, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Popcorn chicken
French Toast Sticks
PBJ or tuna Sandwich
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"Who likes cupcakes?! Girls, come to our next meeting of The Rockin' Club of Babes on Wednesday after school in the art room. We'll be making cupcakes, decorating them. and (of course) eating them!! Bring your club fee if you haven't already and any cupcake decorations you want to share to Ms. Burns in the office. See you there!"

Mr. Blake and Ms. Plegge would like to all of the students that supported the PE department on Wednesday by buying Jamba Juice, we had a really good turnout.  A person from Jamba Juice will be here again after school next Wednesday to sell to students who are interested.  If you liked it this week please come back and enjoy it again next week.  If you forgot you money or did not buy this week come join in on the fun next Wednesday.



September 20, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Grilled Turkey & Cheddar sandwich                   Popcorn chicken
Pigs in a Blanket                                         French Toast Sticks
PBJ or Egg Salad Sandwich                       PBJ or tuna Sandwich
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all 8th grade boys and girls in Track.  Practice is cancelled for today.  Again, this is just for 8th graders.  Our next practice will be on Monday, September 24th.

Attention students interested in joining student council. We will have our first meeting today after school in the art room. If you like organizing school events, dances, and giving input on other activities come to student council. Everyone is welcome to attend! Questions? See Mrs. J Andrews or Mrs. Jenkins

Now is the time!!!!  Early registration for the Littleton Stride has begun at a discount.  Save five dollars if you register by this Friday.  We will have more information coming but if you know you want to do the run or the walk now is the time to register.  Ask Mrs. Mack or Mrs Plegge for more information if you are interested.

"Who likes cupcakes?! Girls, come to our next meeting of The Rockin' Club of Babes on Wednesday after school in the art room. We'll be making cupcakes, decorating them. and (of course) eating them!! Bring your club fee if you haven't already and any cupcake decorations you want to share to Ms. Burns in the office. See you there!"

Congratulations to the 7th grade track team on a great performance in their meet against Powell on Monday.  Newton girls beat Powell by dominating  the running events and coming out strong with the field events.   Despite their low numbers, the boys put up a good fight but unfortunately were defeated.  Don't forget practice is today after school.  We will be preparing for our final meet against Euclid on Monday.  Please see Mr. Wilmes or Mrs. Rodrigue if you cannot make the meet.   We need to know who is coming so that we can set up the races.  

As deaf awareness week continues, we wanted to answer some of the great questions posed by Newton Students.
First, how do people become deaf? Well there are many ways. Some people are born deaf. Hospitals use Newborn infant hearing screening programs to identify hearing loss in infants shortly after birth. Some people can lose their hearing from an illness, such as meningitis. Other people damage their hearing by listening to loud music with or without headphones, or working near loud machinery without proper protection.
Second, can deaf people regain hearing? We can improve what we hear by using technology, like hearing aids or amplification systems. Now imagine that you took a photograph that was blurry. Wearing a hearing aid is like taking that photo, blowing it up and focusing on one piece of the photo to try to get a better picture. It does not become clear and crisp, but it is perhaps a little easier to figure out the subject.
Keep those great questions coming!

Do you like the color red? black? white? Do you secretly want to be a Knight? Well, you're in luck!! TOMORROW IS NEWTON SPIRIT DAY!! Come dressed in Newton colors!"


September 19, 2012 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Turkey with mashed potatoes                    Grilled Turkey & Cheddar sandwich
Hamburger                                                 Pigs in a Blanket
PBJ Sandwich                                            PBJ or Egg Salad Sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


The Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting today. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Attention students interested in joining student council. We will have our first meeting tomorrow after school in the art room. If you like organizing school events, dances, and giving input on other activities come to student council. Everyone is welcome to attend! Questions? See Mrs. J Andrews or Mrs. Jenkins

It's Deaf awareness week. Thank you to Sarah H for meeting our

challenge and naming Deaf rapper SignMark who raps in Sign Language.
No one picked up on our hint about Deaf actress Marlee Matlin, but we
were entertained by those who guessed Donald Trump. Maybe that's
because any hair styling tips he's been given have " fallen on deaf

We have received many great questions! Newton Knights are proving to
be caring and engaged and asking thought provoking questions. The deaf
and hard of hearing students answered this question: Do you feel left
out? Their answers:  we sometimes feel left out when someone talks to
us and we need them to repeat what they said and they respond with
"never mind." For the most part we spend our time with true friends
who are willing to repeat themselves as often as necessary so we can
understand what is being said. We thank you for your open-minded,
caring willingness to include us in conversations, even when you have
to repeat yourself several times to be understood.

Our next Trivia question is this: name the university in Washington
D.C that is for Deaf students.

Remember to write your name on your entries!

Now is the time!!!!  Early registration for the Littleton Stride has begun at a discount.  Save five dollars if you register by this Friday.  We will have more information coming but if you know you want to do the run or the walk now is the time to register.  Ask Mrs. Mack or Mrs Plegge for more information if you are interested.

Do you like the color red? black? white? Do you secretly want to be a Knight? Well, you're in luck!! THIS FRIDAY IS NEWTON SPIRIT DAY!! Come dressed in Newton colors!"


September 18, 2012 EVEN Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Mac & Cheese                                            Turkey with mashed potatoes
Chicken Patty on a Bun                              Hamburger
PBJ or Tuna sandwich                               PBJ Sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


The Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting tomorrow. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Attention students interested in joining student council. We will have our first meeting on Thursday after school in the art room. If you like organizing school events, dances, and giving input on other activities come to student council. Everyone is welcome to attend! Questions? See Mrs. J Andrews or Mrs. Jenkins

Thank you for your responses to our Deaf Awareness Week Questions. The
overwhelmingly popular response to our Trivia Question was: da da da
da! Helen Keller. We would like to challenge everyone here at Newton,
staff included, to come up with a more modern-day famous deaf person.
Who watches Dancing with the Stars or The Apprentice?  Switched at
Birth? Hint, hint.
The Deaf Culture question of the day, asked by Alyssa L in 7th
grade: How do deaf people learn sign language? Answered by 6th grader
Logan A: Just like all of you learned English, I learned sign
language from my mom, who signed with me when I was little. I also
learned from my deaf education teachers, speech teachers, and
Remember to ask your questions about deaf culture, deafness, and/or
sign language and put your entries in the box in the cafeteria. Trivia
responses also go in the box in the cafeteria. Don’t forget to put
your name on the paper so you can claim your prize! Drawings will be
held every day.
Today’s winners: Alyssa L, Diego R, Eliza F, Tyler
M, Jessica B, and Natalie S. Claim your prize
in the main office. Thanks for being so Open-minded and participating
in our contest!


September 17, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Pizza                                                           Mac & Cheese
Fish Sandwich                                            Chicken Patty on a Bun
PBJ Sandwich                                            PBJ or Tuna sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


The Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting Wednesday. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Art Club meets today until 4:00 in the art room.  Hope to see you there.  IF you have any questions please see Mrs. J Andrews.

Attention all 7th grade track members.  We have a meet TODAY.  Please remember to bring your jersey.  We will not have extras.  Also, don't forget your water bottles.  We will meet in the East parking lot.  Buses will be leaving at 3:00.  Do not be late!

Attention students interested in joining student council. We will have our first meeting on Thursday, Sept. 20th after school in the art room. If you like organizing school events, dances, and giving input on other activities come to student council. Everyone is welcome to attend! Questions? See Mrs. J Andrews or Mrs. Jenkins

Have you ever wondered how a deaf person knows when their door bell rings, or when to answer the phone? What about fire alarms? How do they know when class is over?  Maybe you have seen someone using sign language, and you want to know more about it. Is it the same all around the world? Well, now is your chance to learn more about deafness, Deaf Culture, signed languages, and more! This week is National Deaf Awareness Week.  Write your questions on a slip of paper and drop it in the box in the cafeteria. The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support Staff and students will read answers to the best questions in the announcements all week.  Also, listen for Trivia questions in the announcements. There will be a box in the cafeteria for your answers to the Trivia Questions. Prizes will be awarded! Today's trivia question is: Can you name a famous deaf person?

Do you like the color red? black? white? Do you secretly want to be a Knight? Well, you're in luck!! THIS FRIDAY IS NEWTON SPIRIT DAY!! Come dressed in Newton colors!"


September 14, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Honey BBQ Drumstick
PBJ Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


The Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting Wednesday, September 19. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Hey all you artists!  Are you ready for another great semester of art club?  All kids are welcome.  Starting Sept. 17th, We'll meet every Monday until 4:00 in the art room.  Hope to see you there.  IF you have any questions please see Mrs. J Andrews.

Attention all 7th grade track members.  Our next meet is Monday Sept 17.  Please remember to bring your jersey.  We will not have extras.  Put them in your back pack tonight so that you will have them for the meet.  Also, don't forget your water bottles.  We will meet in the East parking lot.  Buses will be leaving at 3:00.  Do not be late!


September 13, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Spaghetti with meat sauce                          Honey BBQ Drumstick
Corn Dog                                                    Hamburger
PBJ/Tuna sandwich                                    PBJ Sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


The Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting NEXT Wednesday, September 19. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Hey all you artists!  Are you ready for another great semester of art club?  All kids are welcome.  Starting Sept. 17th, We'll meet every Monday until 4:00 in the art room.  Hope to see you there.  IF you have any questions please see Mrs. J Andrews.


September 12, 2012 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl                       Spaghetti with meat sauce
Hot Dog                                                      Corn Dog
PBJ or Egg Salad Sandwich                       PBJ/Tuna sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"Attention all ladies! The Infamous Rockin' Club of Babes is back! Our first meeting will be today from 3-4 in the art room. We will be talking more about the club, brainstorming ideas, and enjoying some snacks. All girls are welcome~be there!!"

The Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting NEXT Wednesday, September 19. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Hey all you artists!  Are you ready for another great semester of art club?  All kids are welcome.  Starting Sept. 17th, We'll meet every Monday until 4:00 in the art room.  Hope to see you there.  IF you have any questions please see Mrs. J Andrews.

NJHS will meet after school in  room 105.


September 11, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Shepherd’s Pie                                           Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl
Chicken Nuggets                                         Hot Dog
PBJ Sandwich                                            PBJ or Egg Salad Sandwich
Salad                                                          Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"Attention all ladies! The Infamous Rockin' Club of Babes is back! Our first meeting will be tomorrow from 3-4 in the art room. We will be talking more about the club, brainstorming ideas, and enjoying some snacks. All girls are welcome~be there!!"

Due to the fact that Wednesday is a PLC day, the Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting NEXT Wednesday, September 19. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Attention all 6th graders interested in participating in Track and Field this year. There will be an information meeting today in room 310 (Mr. Wilmes' room) at 3:00. This meeting will not last very long so please arrange transportation home. If you can’t attend the meeting please see Mr. Wilmes.

Don’t forget – tomorrow is a late start day!   Doors open at 9:45.


September 10, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
Pizza                                                           Shepherd’s Pie
Tuna or PBJ Sandwich                               Chicken Nuggets
Salad                                                          PBJ Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"Attention all ladies! The Infamous Rockin' Club of Babes is back! Our first meeting will be Wednesday from 3-4 in the art room. We will be talking more about the club, brainstorming ideas, and enjoying some snacks. All girls are welcome~be there!!"

Due to the fact that Wednesday is a PLC day, the Round Table Equality Club will hold its first official meeting NEXT Wednesday, September 19. All those interested for equal right for every person is invited.

Attention all 6th graders interested in participating in Track and Field this year. There will be an information meeting tomorrow in room 310 (Mr. Wilmes' room) at 3:00. This meeting will not last very long so please arrange transportation home. If you can’t attend the meeting please see Mr. Wilmes.


September 7, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule

Today                                                                         Tomorrow
BBQ Pork Sandwich
PBJ sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"Attention all ladies! The Infamous Rockin' Club of Babes is back! Our first meeting will be Wednesday (Sept 12) from 3-4 in the art room. We will be talking more about the club, brainstorming ideas, and enjoying some snacks. All girls are welcome~be there!!"

The Round Table Equality Club will be holding an interest meeting on Wednesday, September 12 at 7:00 a.m. in room 101. Come join us in making Newton a safe place where EVERY student is assured access to an education without fear of harassment or violence by speaking out and being proactive against ALL

Attention all 6th graders interested in participating in Track and Field this year. There will be an information meeting next Tuesday, September 11th in room 310 (Mr. Wilmes' room) at 3:00. This meeting will not last very long so please arrange transportation home. If you can not attend the meeting please see Mr. Wilmesforms of prejudice and discrimination. 

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...