Picture retake day is TOMORROW.
If you were absent on August 27th, you will
receive a pass to come to the mini theater for
your pictures that morning.
If you had your pictures taken and want a retake
- Listen for an announcement on the PA in
- Bring your complete original packet with you
- We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures
Newton’s Yearbook Staff wants to include as many
students as possible in our yearbook. We’re looking
for photos of your out-of-school activities. Did you
travel this summer? Do you like to go hiking? How
about gymnastics or dance?
Go to your grade level Google Classroom for the
website link, school code and directions on how to
upload a photo. Thanks for your help!
Attention 8th graders who participated in Track. Please return
your WASHED jersey to Mr. Worsley or Ms. Trainer, as soon as
you can. Thanks.
Attention all student council members going
on the Heritage high School Field trip. Please
get your money and permission slip to Mrs. Mack
as soon as possible. She needs them by
October 24th. Officers and Executive Board
will be meeting with Mrs. Mack on Wednesday
Oct. 24th in her room. This is for officers and board members
only at this time.
At lunch TOMORROW, we will be taking our team picture.
Come to the cafeteria in your
regular school clothes, no jersey needed,
and we will call you into the gym to take the
picture. You will be dismissed back into the
lunch room once we are finished!
There will be an NJHS meeting in Ms. Omdahl's
room after school today.
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