
October 31,2018 - EVEN Day Schedule


Attention 8th graders! We have officially reached
max capacity for the Washington, DC trip in April
and will no longer take new enrollments. There is
a waitlist for students still interested, but it is not a
guarantee - you may only be enrolled if another spot
opens. Please contact Mrs. Sutton if you have any
questions or need any clarifications regarding this.
  remember this is not a school sponsored trip.


October 30, 2018 - ODD Day Schedule


Make sure you get your ticket for the Halloween Party
today at lunch.  Don't miss out on the games, dancing
and costume contest with great prizes.  Bring 6 CODE
cards or $5 to get out of homeroom and have fun with
your friends.  Bring extra money for pizza and soda.
You can change into your costumes at homeroom then
head to the party.  Don't miss out. We are only selling
Monday and Tuesday.

Attention 8th graders! We have officially reached
max capacity for the Washington, DC trip in April
and will no longer take new enrollments. There is
a wait list for students still interested, but it is not
a guarantee - you may only be enrolled if another
spot opens. Please contact Mrs. Sutton if you have
any questions or need any clarifications regarding this.
  remember this is not a school sponsored trip.

"Congratulations 6th grade wrestlers!  They had an awesome
performance last night for their first tournament.  Overall,
the team won 14 out of 15 matches, including 11 pins! Nice
job 6th graders!"


October 29, 2018 - EVEN Day Schedule


Make sure you get your ticket for the Halloween Party
today at lunch.  Don't miss out on the games,
dancing and costume contest with great prizes.
 Bring 6 CODE cards or $5 to get out of homeroom
and have fun with your friends.  Bring extra money
for pizza and soda. You can change into your costumes
at homeroom then head to the party.  Don't miss out.
We are only selling Monday and Tuesday.


October 26, 2018 --- ODD Day Schedule


All lunch boxes and water bottles on the lost
and found table in the cafeteria  will be thrown
away TODAY after school!

All lost and found items  in the cafeteria will
be donated to Goodwill TODAY after school.


October 25, 2018- EVEN Day Schedule


Save the Oceans Club will not be meeting this

week, but will reconvene next

Thursday after school.  We can't wait to see you

next week!

"Attention Wrestlers:  Please remember to turn in
your yellow sheets and money by the end of the week.
 Drop them off in room 1370 or bring them with to practice.

All lunch boxes and water bottles on the lost and
found table in the cafeteria  will be thrown away Friday after school!

All lost and found items  in the cafeteria will be
donated to Goodwill Friday after school.


October 24, 2018 - ODD Day Schedule


Attention 8th graders who participated in Track.
 Please return your WASHED jersey to Mr. Worsley or
Ms. Trainer, as soon as you can.  Thanks.

Save the Oceans Club will not be meeting this week,

but will reconvene next

Thursday after school.  We can't

wait to see you next week!

"Attention Wrestlers:  Please remember to turn
in your yellow sheets and money by the end of the
week.  Drop them off in room 1370 or bring them with to practice. Thanks!"


October 23, 2018 - EVEN Day Schedule


Picture retake day is TODAY.
If you were absent on August 27th, you will
receive a pass to come to the mini theater for
your pictures this morning.
If you had your pictures taken and want a retake
  • Listen for an announcement on the PA in the morning
dismissing you to the mini theater
  • Bring your complete original packet with you
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures

Newton’s Yearbook Staff wants to include as
many students as possible in our yearbook.
We’re looking for photos of your out-of-school
activities. Did you travel this summer? Do you
like to go hiking? How about gymnastics or dance?
Go to your grade level Google Classroom for the
website link, school code and directions on how to
upload a photo. Thanks for your help!

Attention 8th graders who participated in Track.  
Please return your WASHED jersey to Mr. Worsley
or Ms. Trainer, as soon as you can.  Thanks.

Attention all student council members going

on the Heritage high School Field trip.  Please

get your money and permission slip to Mrs. Mack

as soon as possible. She needs them by

TOMORROW. Officers and Executive Board

will be meeting with Mrs. Mack TOMORROW in

her room.  This is for officers and board members only at this time.


At lunch TODAY, we will be taking our team picture.

Come to the cafeteria in your regular

school clothes, no jersey needed, and we will call

you into the gym to take the picture. You

will be dismissed back into the lunch room once we are finished!


October 22, 2018 -- ODD Day Schedule


Picture retake day is TOMORROW.
If you were absent on August 27th, you will
receive a pass to come to the mini theater for
your pictures that morning.
If you had your pictures taken and want a retake
  • Listen for an announcement on the PA in
the morning dismissing you to the mini theater
  • Bring your complete original packet with you
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures

Newton’s Yearbook Staff wants to include as many
students as possible in our yearbook. We’re looking
for photos of your out-of-school activities. Did you
travel this summer? Do you like to go hiking? How
about gymnastics or dance?
Go to your grade level Google Classroom for the
website link, school code and directions on how to
upload a photo. Thanks for your help!

Attention 8th graders who participated in Track.  Please return
your WASHED jersey to Mr. Worsley or Ms. Trainer, as soon as
you can.  Thanks.

Attention all student council members going

on the Heritage high School Field trip.  Please

get your money and permission slip to Mrs. Mack

as soon as possible. She needs them by

October 24th. Officers and Executive Board

will be meeting with Mrs. Mack on Wednesday

Oct. 24th in her room.  This is for officers and board members
only at this time.


At lunch TOMORROW, we will be taking our team picture.
Come to the cafeteria in your

regular school clothes, no jersey needed,
and we will call you into the gym to take the

picture. You will be dismissed back into the
lunch room once we are finished!

There will be an NJHS meeting in Ms. Omdahl's
room after school today.


October 17,2018 - EVEN Day Schedule


Picture retake day is Oct 23rd.
If you were absent on August 27th, you will receive
a pass to come to the mini theater for your pictures
that morning.
If you had your pictures taken and want a retake
  • Listen for an announcement on the PA in the
morning dismissing you to the mini theater
  • Bring your complete original packet with you
  • We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures

Newton’s Yearbook Staff wants to include as many
students as possible in our yearbook. We’re looking
for photos of your out-of-school activities. Did you travel
this summer? Do you like to go hiking? How about gymnastics
or dance?
Go to your grade level Google Classroom for the
website link, school code and directions on how to
upload a photo. Thanks for your help!

Attention 8th graders who participated in Track.
 Please return your WASHED jersey to Mr. Worsley
or Ms. Trainer, as soon as you can.  Thanks.

Attention 7th grade GIRLS:
If you are interested in playing basketball, there
is still time to join.  No matter what your ability level is,
you are welcome to join! Come to practice starting
next Monday, October 22 at 7:55 am.  See Mr. Worsley or
Mrs. Krikke for details!

Attention all student council members going on the Heritage

High School Field trip.  Please

get your money and permission slip to Mrs. Mack

as soon as possible. She needs the by

October 24th. Officers and Executive Board

will be meeting with Mrs. Mack on Wednesday

Oct. 24th in her room.  This is for officers and

board members only at this time.

P/T Conferences are tonight from 4:30-8:00 -

Encourage your parents to attend!


At lunch on Tuesday, we will be taking our team picture.

Come to the cafeteria in your regular

school clothes, no jersey needed, and we will

call you into the gym to take the picture. You

will be dismissed back into the lunch room once we are finished!

HAVE A GREAT 4 day weekend!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...