
January 31,2017 - EVEN Day Schedule



Attention all student council members...we will have our next meeting TOMORROW, in Mrs. Mack's room. We will sign up to sell valograms, make posters and work on announcements. Please plan to stay until around 4. See you February 1st.

Sign Language Club
If you are interested in learning or practicing sign language please sign up on the interest lists posted outside room 1118 or room 1586. If there are enough people interested, the club will meet Tuesdays after school starting in February!

Reminder all Lego-maniacs! The Lego Club starts meeting again TODAY after school in the second art room. Take the late bus home or arrange for a ride at 4:00pm if needed. Please see Ms. Silverman with any questions.

"NJHS students, please remember we will be going to the nursing home today after school. We will meet in Mrs. Petrelli's room. See you there."

Color Guard will be meeting in the cafeteria after school today until 4:00.

"Hey Newton, if you are looking for an awesome club to join, Magic: The Gathering, a competitive and fun card game is having it's second meeting after school TODAY in Ms. Trainer's room. If you need an incentive to check it out, how's this? The club received a donation of over 4000 cards, many of them quite rare and powerful! We meet at 3, be sure to bring your club payment fee and your battle faces!"

Littleton High School will hold registration for current 8th graders on February 2, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the forum and theater.  
Call with questions:  Melissa McGarvin-O'Melia       303-347-7757
                                    David Gould            303-734-6831   

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...