
March 15, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule

Chicken Burrito Bowl
BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich

Yogurt & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

Just one week to nominate your classmates for a CODE Award...  Head over to the Newton Website to access the online nomination form. Thanks for being a part of our school community!

Staff & students, our 3rd annual Night of Knights Talent Show will be this Thursday, at 7:00 pm in the gym.  Adults are $2, students are $1 and tickets will be available at the door. There will be NO school day performance this year, so come Thursday evening and don't miss seeing students and staff display their amazing talents!

Attention girls going on the GESTEM field trip:  Please make sure you get your permission slips and money into Mrs. Rahne before we go on spring break!

All 8th grade volleyball girls need to get dressed in their uniforms and on the bus as quickly as possible right after school. Don't forget to remove your jewelry and bring your own water bottle.

Attention all Student Council members...we will be meeting TOMORROW in Mrs. Mack's room to discuss valograms, our next event, and we will finish off left over root beer floats.  See you in room 1592

Tomorrow is a LATE START day!

Monday 1-27-25

  Daily Announcements Monday , January 27, 2025      ODD Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United S...