
January 13, 2016 - ALL Day Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin
Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Reminders & Announcements:
"Ditch for Donuts and Bingo" is on Friday during homeroom. Get out of homeroom for a snack, bingo games and prizes. Turn in 6 CODE cards at lunch today.Don't forget your cards because you won't be able to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

Attention all student council members.  We will have our next meeting TODAY in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will be planning for Spirit Week.  Come to Mrs. Mack's room right after school - room 1592.  If you are interested in joining student council - we are taking new members at this meeting only.  So be sure to come. See Mrs. Mack or Ms. Merry if you have any questions.

Boy's Club will meet TODAY after school to study for our Friday test. See you there!

NJHS will meet at 3:00 TODAY in the Mini-Theater.  We will be preparing for our January 26 trip to Someren Glen and working on other projects as well.  Snacks will be provided!

Looking for something fun to do with  friends in this  cold weather? Skate City is hosting a Newton Tailgating Skate Party! Hang out with friends & listen to great music. When? Friday, Jan. 15th from 4-6pm.  Homeroom teachers have fliers & information is on the Newton website. Come out for a good time!

Hello again 6th graders! Reminder about Earth Week. Be kind to the earth, tomorrow we will be picking up trash during lunch recess. Go Earth!!
The second place poem for the 6th grade contest was by Julian B
Fiery Earth
We live on ice
It circles around
every 360 days
Where on fire
We cause our own end

What is Ice
Just solid H2o
We cause our own end
We CAN stop it
without the black rocks
without captivated water
without weekly water waste

Animals falling and freezing
Life's ending
We CAN stop it

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...