
January 29, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule

Teriyaki Chicken
Turkey Wrap

Reminders & Announcements:

Newton’s annual talent show, Knight of Talent is back!  What’s your talent?   Audition packets are now available outside Ms. Trainer's room, # 1375 and Ms. Andrews' choir room

Attention all student council members, we will have our next meeting on Wednesday, February 3rd to get ready for Valograms.  Please meet in Mrs. Mack's class right after school. See you then

8th Graders - you need to be watching your high school’s website for freshman registration information.  
HHS has freshman registration on Feb 2nd & Feb 3rd @ 6:30pm
LHS has freshman registration on Feb 4th @ 7:00pm
AHS has freshman registration on April 4th @ TBA

STUDENTS  - It costs just $10 for a student ticket to see the Harlem Wizards do trick hoops and alley oops! Head to Littleton High School  at 7:00 on Friday February 12th to watch the Wizards play your teachers. Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!

If you buy your tickets to the Harlem Wizards this morning, you will be AUTOMATICALLY entered in a raffle drawing for a $25 itunes gift card. Bring your money to the main office or buy online anytime to watch the Wizards play against your teachers. The gift card winner will be selected during this Friday's assembly.



January 28, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Tenders

Teriyaki Chicken
Turkey Wrap

Reminders & Announcements:

Newton’s annual talent show, Knight of Talent is back!  What’s your talent?   Audition packets are now available outside Ms. Trainer's room, # 1375 and Ms. Andrews' choir room

Attention all student council members, we will have our next meeting on Wednesday, February 3rd to get ready for Valograms.  Please meet in Mrs. Mack's class right after school. See you then

Did you know that glass takes a million years to decompose in a landfill but when recycled, saves enough energy to power your computer for a full half an hour? Reminder, Green Team Interest Meeting TODAY after school in room 1587 of C Wing. Come help start this new club today! See you after school. If you can’t come, but want to join, stay tuned and see Ms. Silverman or Ms. J Andrews soon!

8th Graders - you need to be watching your high school’s website for freshman registration information.  
HHS has freshman registration on Feb 2nd & Feb 3rd @ 6:30pm
LHS has freshman registration on Feb 4th @ 7:00pm
AHS has freshman registration on April 4th @ TBA

STUDENTS  - It costs just $10 for a student ticket to see the Harlem Wizards do trick hoops and alley oops! Head to Littleton High School  at 7:00 on Friday February 12th to watch the Wizards play your teachers. Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!

If you buy your tickets to the Harlem Wizards today or tomorrow morning, you will be AUTOMATICALLY entered in a raffle drawing for a $25 itunes gift card. Bring your money to the main office or buy online anytime to watch the Wizards play against your teachers. The gift card winner will be selected during this Friday's a


January 27, 2016 - LATE START Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin

Chicken Tenders

Reminders & Announcements:

Newton’s annual talent show, Knight of Talent is back!  What’s your talent?   Audition packets are now available outside Ms. Trainer's room, # 1375 and Ms. Andrews' choir room

Did you know: the average American generates 4.3 pounds of trash each DAY? Knights of the Green Table unite - come to the Green Team interest meeting TOMORROW in room 1587 from 3:00- 3:15. Arrange a ride if you need or stay until 4:00 to plan if you need to catch a late bus.

8th Graders - you need to be watching your high school’s website for freshman registration information.  
HHS has freshman registration on Feb 2nd & Feb 3rd @ 6:30pm
LHS has freshman registration on Feb 4th @ 7:00pm
AHS has freshman registration on April 4th @ TBA

STUDENTS  - It costs just $10 for a student ticket to see the Harlem Wizards do trick hoops and alley oops! Head to Littleton High School  at 7:00 on Friday February 12th to watch the Wizards play your teachers. Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!



January 26, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule

French Toast Sticks

Yogurt & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

Newton’s annual talent show, Knight of Talent is back!  What’s your talent?   Audition packets are now available outside Ms. Trainer's room, # 1375 and Ms. Andrews' choir room

Newton Green Team Fact of the Day: Last year, the average American used 167 disposable water bottles but only recycled 38 of them!  Join us for a 15 minute long interest meeting for the Green Team Club this Thursday in room 1587 of C wing. See Ms. J Andrews or Ms. Silverman for more information.

STUDENTS  - It costs just $10 for a student ticket to see the Harlem Wizards do trick hoops and alley oops! Head to Littleton High School  at 7:00 on Friday February 12th to watch the Wizards play your teachers. Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!



January 25, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule

Bosco Sticks
French Toast Sticks
Reminders & Announcements:

Newton’s annual talent show, Knight of Talent is back!  What’s your talent?   Audition packets are available NOW, and are due by Friday, February 20th.  See Ms. Trainer in room 1375 or Ms. P. Andrews in the choir room for more information.

Did you know that in 2009, Americans produced enough trash to circle the earth 24 times? Let’s reduce what Newton sends to the landfill!  The Green Team Interest Meeting is this Thursday! Bring your friends and ideas to make Newton greener. We’ll meet for 15 minutes, so be sure to arrange a ride home. If you need to take a late bus you are welcome to stay until 4:00.

STUDENTS  - It costs just $10 for a student ticket to see the Harlem Wizards do trick hoops and alley oops! Head to Littleton High School  at 7:00 on Friday February 12th to watch the Wizards play your teachers. Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!


January 22, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Corn Dog
Italian Meatball sub

Reminders & Announcements:

The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria TODAY during lunches. Bring your CODE cards because you won't be able to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

Can you recycle that pen or that juice pouch or ziploc bag when you are done with them? Would you like to make that possible for our Newton community? Come learn more and make a difference at Newton. The Green Team interest meeting is next Thursday in room 1587 at 3:00.

Newton’s annual talent show, Knight of Talent is back!  What’s your talent?  Do you juggle?  Do magic tricks?  Maybe ride a unicycle?  Can you do karate?  Maybe you’ve got the knack with a hula hoop!  Of course, music and dance acts are always welcome, but we’re betting a lot of you have other interesting talents and we’d love to see them!
Start planning your audition now!  Audition packets will be available next week, and are due by Friday, February 20th.  See Ms. Trainer in room 1375 or Ms. P. Andrews in the choir room for more information.

Please remember that you are NOT to use post it notes, stickers or duct tape to decorate lockers - if you are unsure of what you can put up, please check with the office. Decorations that include any of the above will be removed!

Students - The Gideons will be on the PUBLIC sidewalk after school handing out Bibles. This is their right to do HOWEVER you do not need to take a Bible from them or engage with them if you do not want to. Please do not be rude to them or take Bibles from them if you are just going to throw them away.

STUDENTS & PARENTS  - Come watch the Littleton Legends take on the Harlem Wizards! Feb 12th @ 7:00pm in the  LHS Gym - (doors open at 6) Fun night watching some of your teachers maybe look pretty silly playing against the Wizards!  Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!


January 21, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule

Grilled Cheese
Chicken Tacos

Corn Dog
Italian Meatball sub
Reminders & Announcements:

The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria TOMORROW during lunches. Bring your CODE cards because you won't be able to leave the cafeteria to go get them.
How green is our school? Can we reduce the waste we generate at Newton? Come to the Green Team Club interest meeting next Thursday in room 1587 of C wing. We’ll have a short 15 minute meeting to plan for the future of the club. Let’s work together to start TerraCyling at Newton and reduce our contribution to Colorado’s landfills!
Please see Ms. Silverman or Ms. J. Andrews for more information
Newton’s annual talent show, Knight of Talent is back!  What’s your talent?  Do you juggle?  Do magic tricks?  Maybe ride a unicycle?  Can you do karate?  Maybe you’ve got the knack with a hula hoop!  Of course, music and dance acts are always welcome, but we’re betting a lot of you have other interesting talents and we’d love to see them!
Start planning your audition now!  Audition packets will be available next week, and are due by Friday, February 20th.  See Ms. Trainer in room 1375 or Ms. P. Andrews in the choir room for more information.

STUDENTS & PARENTS  - Come watch the Littleton Legends take on the Harlam Wizards! Feb 12th @ 7:00pm in the  LHS Gym - (doors open at 6) Fun night watching some of your teachers maybe look pretty silly playing against the Wizards!  Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!


January 20, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin

Grilled Cheese
Chicken Tacos

Reminders & Announcements:

The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria on Friday during lunches. Bring your CODE cards because you won't be able to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

STUDENTS & PARENTS  - Come watch the Littleton Legends take on the Harlam Wizards! Feb 12th @ 7:00pm in the  LHS Gym - (doors open at 6) Fun night watching some of your teachers maybe look pretty silly playing against the Wizards!  Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!


January 19, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Burrito Bowl
BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Yogurt & Muffin
Reminders & Announcements:

STUDENTS & PARENTS  - Come watch the Littleton Legends take on the Harlam Wizards! Feb 12th @ 7:00pm in the  LHS Gym - (doors open at 6) Fun night watching some of your teachers maybe look pretty silly playing against the Wizards!  Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!


January 14, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Pizza Pocket
Fish Sticks

Reminders & Announcements:
"Ditch for Donuts and Bingo" is TOMORROW during homeroom. Get out of homeroom for a snack, bingo games and prizes. Turn in 6 CODE cards at lunch today.Don't forget your cards because you won't be able to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

Looking for something fun to do with  friends in this  cold weather? Skate City is hosting a Newton Tailgating Skate Party! Hang out with friends & listen to great music. When? Friday, Jan. 15th from 4-6pm.  Homeroom teachers have fliers & information is on the Newton website. Come out for a good time!

This Earth week has been earth-tastic! Remember today and tomorrow, we will be picking up trash during recess. The earth thanks you!

The third place winner of the poem contest was Mary P

Helping Our World

Earth is an amazing place
Despite the fact that people mistreat it
There are many different ways to help our Earth
But nothing can be done if no one takes action
Earth is an amazing place
To help our world takes courage
We can do a lot to help our world
Our choices helps the Earth become a spinning image of the perfect painting
If we make good choice that help our Earth, then we make a difference

STUDENTS & PARENTS  - Come watch the Littleton Legends take on the Harlam Wizards! Feb 12th @ 7:00pm in the  LHS Gym - (doors open at 6) Fun night watching some of your teachers maybe look pretty silly playing against the Wizards!  Ticket information is on our website. You can buy online or at Newton!


January 13, 2016 - ALL Day Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin
Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Reminders & Announcements:
"Ditch for Donuts and Bingo" is on Friday during homeroom. Get out of homeroom for a snack, bingo games and prizes. Turn in 6 CODE cards at lunch today.Don't forget your cards because you won't be able to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

Attention all student council members.  We will have our next meeting TODAY in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will be planning for Spirit Week.  Come to Mrs. Mack's room right after school - room 1592.  If you are interested in joining student council - we are taking new members at this meeting only.  So be sure to come. See Mrs. Mack or Ms. Merry if you have any questions.

Boy's Club will meet TODAY after school to study for our Friday test. See you there!

NJHS will meet at 3:00 TODAY in the Mini-Theater.  We will be preparing for our January 26 trip to Someren Glen and working on other projects as well.  Snacks will be provided!

Looking for something fun to do with  friends in this  cold weather? Skate City is hosting a Newton Tailgating Skate Party! Hang out with friends & listen to great music. When? Friday, Jan. 15th from 4-6pm.  Homeroom teachers have fliers & information is on the Newton website. Come out for a good time!

Hello again 6th graders! Reminder about Earth Week. Be kind to the earth, tomorrow we will be picking up trash during lunch recess. Go Earth!!
The second place poem for the 6th grade contest was by Julian B
Fiery Earth
We live on ice
It circles around
every 360 days
Where on fire
We cause our own end

What is Ice
Just solid H2o
We cause our own end
We CAN stop it
without the black rocks
without captivated water
without weekly water waste

Animals falling and freezing
Life's ending
We CAN stop it


January 12, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule

Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese Sandwich
Yogurt & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

Do you like sweet delicious tasty donuts? Do you like to play BINGO and earn prizes for winning? Do you like to get out of homeroom for a day? If so we have the CODE award for you. Turn in 6 CODE cards TOMORROW or Thursday at lunch to be able to participate in this fun event on Friday.

Attention all student council members.  We will have our next meeting TOMORROW in Mrs. Mack's room.  We will be planning for Spirit Week.  Come to Mrs. Mack's room right after school - room 1592.  If you are interested in joining student council - we are taking new members at this meeting only.  So be sure to come. See Mrs. Mack or Ms. Merry if you have any questions.

Boy's Club will meet tomorrow (Wednesday) after school to study for our Friday test. See you there!

NJHS will meet at 3:00 TOMORROW in the Mini-Theater.  We will be preparing for our January 26 trip to Someren Glen and working on other projects as well.  Snacks will be provided!

Looking for something fun to do with  friends in this  cold weather? Skate City is hosting a Newton Tailgating Skate Party! Hang out with friends & listen to great music. When? Friday, Jan. 15th from 4-6pm.  Homeroom teachers have fliers & information is on the Newton website. Come out for a good time!

Hi 6th graders!! We hope you have your earth colors on today!! Tomorrow, in science, you will hear about your next super awesome activity!

The winning poem for the 6th grade contest was by N. Rushmore:

What if earth was you or me
Wouldn't you want to be taken care of
Be able to breath like you're free
Or have your water be clean
Don’t lie
You know it to be true
If you were earth
You would want to be treated nice too

6th & 7th Grade Students - Just a reminder - if you are open enrolled to Newton from another school district ( Douglas County, Denver, Cherry Creek, etc) your parents need to fill out an Intent to Renew form for you for next year.  It is due into the office by January 31st
PARENTS - don't forget - Recognition Assemblies are tomorrow!
6th - 8:00am
7th - 12:45pm
8th - 9:30am

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...