
December 4. 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Teriyaki Chicken
Turkey Wrap


The end is near! The end is near! The end to buy your yearbook, that is. Your last chance to buy your 2015-2016 yearbook is Monday!!!  Please bring $40 cash or check made out to Newton Middle School to the main office to get your yearbook!
If you do not know if you have already purchased a yearbook, please stop by Ms. J Andrews' room (the art room) and check the list that is posted.  

The code cart will be at lunches today! Bring your cards because you won't be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get them!

The Newton wrestling team did an outstanding job yesterday at the district meet. They amassed 77 points in the tournament against teams with three times the number of wrestlers. All wrestled well and gave 110 percent. Junior varsity wrestler Kevin R placed third in his weight division. Varsity wrestlers placed as follows in their weight divisions: Trenton L, Jack F, Brayden B and William F  placed third, Doug M was second and Skylar M, Donovan M and Mitchell B placed first and we're champions in their weight divisions. We will have a pizza party to celebrate the successful season on December 16th with all wrestlers. Please return your equipment to Mrs. Mack as soon as possible. Congratulations on all your hard work. And thanks to all staff who stayed and worked the tournament!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...