
May 13, 2015 - ALL Day Schedule

Mac & Cheese   
Fiesta Burrito
Chef Salad

Reminders & Announcements:
Bring your CODE cards to lunch today to get your ticket for Kona ice! Enjoy a delicious snow cone and get out of homeroom!

Attention 8th graders. Do you think you have what it takes? Do you think you can beat the staff in a game of flag football? We would like to find out! If you want to be on an 8th grade team to TRY to beat the teachers' winning record, then sign up for the 8th grade vs. staff flag football game.  Please see Mrs. Krikke or Mrs. Jenkins to sign up.  You have until Friday to put your name on the roster!!! The game will be next Wednesday during Homeroom.

Students-looking for something to do this summer? Skate City Summer Skating Passes are available to you! For just a $3 pass, you can skate all summer long at a discounted rate!  Flyers were given out in Homeroom on Friday and there are more available in the office. Please return the student information at the bottom of the flyer with $3 cash to the office. A skating card will be delivered to you.  You may buy skate cards through next week for family, friends or yourself! Questions? See your Homeroom teacher or Mrs. Jenkins.

Extra Summer Reading forms are in the office if you don’t have access to a computer to print them with this summer.

Congratulations to all band and orchestra members on a very awesome performance last night Thanks for all your hard work and musicianship!

PARENTS & Students

6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.

LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!

6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving on the 22nd after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...