May 21, 2015 - ALL DAY SCHEDULE
Ham & Cheese Sandwich
Reminders & Announcements:
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by TOMORROW or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving TOMORROW after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.
PARENTS - if you will be picking up your child from an activity TOMORROW - we need to have you send us an e-mail BEFORE the 22nd indicating what time you will be picking them up.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
For some of you, this is your last day at Newton --- Good Luck 8th graders in High School next year! 6th & 7th graders - have a great summer and we will see you in August!
May 20, 2015 - ALL Day Schedule
Ham & Cheese Sandwich
Reminders & Announcements:
Extra Summer Reading forms are in the office if you don’t have access to a computer to print them with this summer.
All library books are due NOW! Please check your lockers and classrooms for any books that need to be turned in. Also check at home. Thank you!
There is candy for any student who has turned in all library books!
Also first Language Arts class to have all books turned in will receive a basket full of candy to share!
If you were absent for locker cleanout yesterday, you need to do this today in homeroom - everything needs to be out of your locker.
8th Graders - we will release you by PA for Continuation Practice this morning.
EXTRA yearbooks will go on sale TOMORROW morning at 7:30 in the front office. $40.00 CASH ONLY 1st come first served basis!
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving on the 22nd after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.
PARENTS - if you will be picking up your child from an activity on the 22nd - we need to have you send us an e-mail BEFORE the 22nd indicating what time you will be picking them up.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
May 19, 2015 - ALL Day Schedule
Southwest Deli Wrap
Manager’s Choice
Manager’s Choice
Reminders & Announcements:
Extra Summer Reading forms are in the office if you don’t have access to a computer to print them with this summer.
All library books are due NOW! Please check your lockers and classrooms for any books that need to be turned in. Also check at home. Thank you!
There is candy for any student who has turned in all library books!
Also first Language Arts class to have all books turned in will receive a basket full of candy to share!
RWTK ---- Students will report to their elective classes for attendance. Then go the gym
PARENTS & Students
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving on the 22nd after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.
PARENTS - if you will be picking up your child from an activity on the 22nd - we need to have you send us an e-mail BEFORE the 22nd indicating what time you will be picking them up.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
May 18, 2015 - ALL DAY SCHEDULE
Chicken Tenders
Manager’s Choice
Manager’s Choice
Reminders & Announcements:
Extra Summer Reading forms are in the office if you don’t have access to a computer to print them with this summer.
PARENTS & Students
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving on the 22nd after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.
PARENTS - if you will be picking up your child from an activity on the 22nd - we need to have you send us an e-mail BEFORE the 22nd indicating what time you will be picking them up.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
Even day May 15th
Daily Announcements
Friday, May 15, 2015
EVEN Day Schedule
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”
Chicken Burrito Bowl
Turkey & Cheese Wrap
Reminders & Announcements:
Extra Summer Reading forms are in the office if you don’t have access to a computer to print them with this summer.
STUDENTS: Kona Ice (a shaved ice company in a truck) will be here on Monday during HOMEROOM. You may get a ticket to go in exchange for 6 CODE cards.
The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice for the last time this school year TODAY after school outside the main entrance. The cost is the same $2 for 8 oz and $4 for 16 oz. We will have the same flavors as we have all year. Come enjoy a Jamb Juice one last time and help support the PE department this Friday. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.
Congratulations and thanks to the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade choirs and Knight Notes for a great concert last. Ms Andrews hopes you had as much fun as she did!
All library books are due TODAY. Please check your lockers and classrooms for any books that need to be turned in.
Next week we will be on an “ALL” day schedule all week!
PARENTS & Students
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving on the 22nd after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
Friday, May 15, 2015
EVEN Day Schedule
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”
Chicken Burrito Bowl
Turkey & Cheese Wrap
Reminders & Announcements:
Extra Summer Reading forms are in the office if you don’t have access to a computer to print them with this summer.
STUDENTS: Kona Ice (a shaved ice company in a truck) will be here on Monday during HOMEROOM. You may get a ticket to go in exchange for 6 CODE cards.
The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice for the last time this school year TODAY after school outside the main entrance. The cost is the same $2 for 8 oz and $4 for 16 oz. We will have the same flavors as we have all year. Come enjoy a Jamb Juice one last time and help support the PE department this Friday. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.
Congratulations and thanks to the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade choirs and Knight Notes for a great concert last. Ms Andrews hopes you had as much fun as she did!
All library books are due TODAY. Please check your lockers and classrooms for any books that need to be turned in.
Next week we will be on an “ALL” day schedule all week!
PARENTS & Students
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving on the 22nd after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
May 14, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule
Chef Salad
Chicken Burrito Bowl
Turkey & Cheese wrap
Reminders & Announcements:
Attention 8th graders. Do you think you have what it takes? Do you think you can beat the staff in a game of flag football? We would like to find out! If you want to be on an 8th grade team to TRY to beat the teachers' winning record, then sign up for the 8th grade vs. staff flag football game. Please see Mrs. Krikke or Mrs. Jenkins to sign up. You have until Friday to put your name on the roster!!! The game will be next Wednesday during Homeroom.
Students-looking for something to do this summer? Skate City Summer Skating Passes are available to you! For just a $3 pass, you can skate all summer long at a discounted rate! Flyers were given out in Homeroom on Friday and there are more available in the office. Please return the student information at the bottom of the flyer with $3 cash to the office. A skating card will be delivered to you. You may buy skate cards through next week for family, friends or yourself! Questions? See your Homeroom teacher or Mrs. Jenkins.
Extra Summer Reading forms are in the office if you don’t have access to a computer to print them with this summer.
STUDENTS: Kona Ice (a shaved ice company in a truck) will be here on Monday during HOMEROOM. You may get a ticket to go in exchange for 6 CODE cards.
The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice for the last time this school year TOMORROW after school outside the main entrance. The cost is the same $2 for 8 oz and $4 for 16 oz. We will have the same flavors as we have all year. Come enjoy a Jamb Juice one last time and help support the PE department this Friday. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.
PARENTS & Students
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving on the 22nd after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
May 13, 2015 - ALL Day Schedule
Mac & Cheese
Fiesta Burrito
Fiesta Burrito
Chef Salad
Reminders & Announcements:
Bring your CODE cards to lunch today to get your ticket for Kona ice! Enjoy a delicious snow cone and get out of homeroom!
Attention 8th graders. Do you think you have what it takes? Do you think you can beat the staff in a game of flag football? We would like to find out! If you want to be on an 8th grade team to TRY to beat the teachers' winning record, then sign up for the 8th grade vs. staff flag football game. Please see Mrs. Krikke or Mrs. Jenkins to sign up. You have until Friday to put your name on the roster!!! The game will be next Wednesday during Homeroom.
Students-looking for something to do this summer? Skate City Summer Skating Passes are available to you! For just a $3 pass, you can skate all summer long at a discounted rate! Flyers were given out in Homeroom on Friday and there are more available in the office. Please return the student information at the bottom of the flyer with $3 cash to the office. A skating card will be delivered to you. You may buy skate cards through next week for family, friends or yourself! Questions? See your Homeroom teacher or Mrs. Jenkins.
Extra Summer Reading forms are in the office if you don’t have access to a computer to print them with this summer.
Congratulations to all band and orchestra members on a very awesome performance last night Thanks for all your hard work and musicianship!
PARENTS & Students
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
6th & 7th Graders - If you will be leaving on the 22nd after you come back from your field trip - your parents MUST call the attendance line 1st thing in the morning or send you with a note so we can get you a pass before you leave for your activity. You will not be released to anybody not on IC.
May 12, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule
Yogurt Cup and Muffin
Mac & Cheese
Fiesta Burrito
Reminders & Announcements:
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
Run With The Knights T-Shirts
Mr. Blake and Mrs. Osthoff would like to thank Francis T for again designing this years Run With The Knights T-Shirt it is awesome!
An student wanting to buy a t-shirt for this years race please pick up an order form from Mr. Blake, Mrs Osthoff or in the main office. There are samples of this years shirt hanging up in the window of the main office and lunch room. The shirt this year will be a Dri Fit shirt and can be purchased at a price of $10 we hope to see lots of students wearing them. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs.Osthoff if you have any questions.
Attention GT students:
Mrs. Lacey needs some information from you. Please go to the Gifted and Talented page of the Newton website, which can be found under the teacher pages tab, and complete a very short survey. All surveys need to be complete by Monday morning. See Mrs. Lacey with questions.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
CODE cards will be collected tomorrow at lunches for Kona ice. So dig out those cards and don't forget to bring 6 to lunch tomorrow.
May 11, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule
Chicken Tenders
Italian Meatball Sub
Yogurt Cup and Muffin
Reminders & Announcements:
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
Run With The Knights T-Shirts
Mr. Blake and Mrs. Osthoff would like to thank Francis T for again designing this years Run With The Knights T-Shirt it is awesome!
An student wanting to buy a t-shirt for this years race please pick up an order form from Mr. Blake, Mrs Osthoff or in the main office. There are samples of this years shirt hanging up in the window of the main office and lunch room. The shirt this year will be a Dri Fit shirt and can be purchased at a price of $10 we hope to see lots of students wearing them. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs.Osthoff if you have any questions.
Attention GT students:
Mrs. Lacey needs some information from you. Please go to the Gifted and Talented page of the Newton website, which can be found under the teacher pages tab, and complete a very short survey. All surveys need to be complete by Monday morning. See Mrs. Lacey with questions.
LOST & FOUND will be donated on May 22nd - Please check the tables in lunchroom & by main office!
The following students won Spirit Cart items in the CODE card drawin on Friday - come claim your prize --- Marcus M, Adrien G & Max D
May 8, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule
Orange Glazed Chicken
Sub Sandwich
Reminders & Announcements:
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
Today is your LAST chance to get treats for PARCC testing - so clean out your lockers and go home and search for any code cards you have left - BRING THEM TO LUNCH ON FRIDAY! Our Kindle giveaway is coming soon! Don't forget to save 6 CODE cards for Cona Ice the last week of school during homeroom! You will need 6 CODE cards to enjoy a snow cone and get out of homeroom. Tickets will be sold next week at lunches.
8th grade girls Volleyball players please return your volleyball jerseys ASAP, otherwise you will be charged.
Run With The Knights T-Shirts
Mr. Blake and Mrs. Osthoff would like to thank Francis Tharp for again designing this years Run With The Knights T-Shirt it is awesome!
An student wanting to buy a t-shirt for this years race please pick up an order form from Mr. Blake, Mrs Osthoff or in the main office. There are samples of this years shirt hanging up in the window of the main office and lunch room. The shirt this year will be a Dri Fit shirt and can be purchased at a price of $10 we hope to see lots of students wearing them. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs.Osthoff if you have any questions.
Attention GT students:
Mrs. Lacey needs some information from you. Please go to the Gifted and Talented page of the Newton website, which can be found under the teacher pages tab, and complete a very short survey. All surveys need to be complete by Monday morning. See Mrs. Lacey with questions.
6th & 7th graders your teachers will be handing out your MAP scores today during homeroom - please take them home to your parents today! 8th graders you will receive yours at Continuation practice.
May 7, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule
Chicken Poppers
Taco Salad
Orange Glazed chicken
Sub Sandwich
Reminders & Announcements:
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
Tomorrow is your LAST chance to get treats for PARCC testing - so clean out your lockers and go home and search for any code cards you have left - BRING THEM TO LUNCH ON FRIDAY! Our Kindle giveaway is coming soon! Don't forget to save 6 CODE cards for Cona Ice the last week of school during homeroom! You will need 6 CODE cards to enjoy a snow cone and get out of homeroom. Tickets will be sold next week at lunches.
8th grade girls Volleyball players please return your volleyball jerseys ASAP, otherwise you will be charged.
Run With The Knights T-Shirts
Mr. Blake and Mrs. Osthoff would like to thank Francis Tharp for again designing this years Run With The Knights T-Shirt it is awesome!
An student wanting to buy a t-shirt for this years race please pick up an order form from Mr. Blake, Mrs Osthoff or in the main office. There are samples of this years shirt hanging up in the window of the main office and lunch room. The shirt this year will be a Dri Fit shirt and can be purchased at a price of $10 we hope to see lots of students wearing them. Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs.Osthoff if you have any questions.
SCIENCE EXPO TONIGHT - 6:30-7:320 - everyone invited!
May 6, 2015 - ALL DAY PARCC Schedule!
Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich
Chicken Poppers
Taco Salad
Reminders & Announcements:
End of Year field trip lists have been posted by your homeroom teacher’s door.
Attention 7th graders: The informational meeting for you and your parents regarding next year's 8th grade trip to Washington, DC, is TONIGHT at6:30PM in room 203. Discover how you can be a part of this adventure! Remember, this meeting is for those who did not attend the interest meeting in February. See Ms. Thomas or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions. Parents: this is not a school sponsored trip.
6th & 7th graders - please encourage your parents to go onto our website and review the registration process for next year. If they pay fees by cash or check by the 22nd or pay with credit card in July you will not have to stand in long lines on schedule pickup day. Our offices have to move out for the summer for construction, so if they have any questions after viewing this information, they need to contact us immediately.
May 5, 2015 - EVEN Day - PARCC Schedule
Yogurt Cup & Muffin
Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich
Reminders & Announcements:
Students- thank you for all of your hard work and effort during assessments. Each Friday of assessment week, we will have the CODE table out for you to choose some goodies and enter the drawings. There will be one more Fridayleft for treats-this Friday and a Kindle drawing too! But don't forget to save 6 of your CODE cards for the Kona Ice treat the last week of school. This weeks winners from the drawing are:
6th grade-Halee H
7th grade-Ella C
8th grade-Quinn J
Please come to the office to choose your prize! Keep entering your CODE cards students! More prizes and treats coming your way!!
Last chance 7th graders! TOMORROW at 6:30PM in room 203 there will be an informational meeting regarding next year's 8th grade trip to Washington, DC. Bring your parents and discover how you can be a part of this adventure! Remember, this meeting is for those who did not attend the interest meeting in February. See Ms. Thomas or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions. Parents: this is not a school sponsored trip.
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Wednesday 2-26-25
Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025 EVEN Day Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...
Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation...
Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation...
Menu: Today Honey BBQ Drumstick Grilled Cheese Tomorrow Sloppy Joe Corn Dog Reminders & Announcements: ...