
December 18,2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich

Chicken poppers
Taco Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

It's FINALLY here!!! Ditch for a Donut day has arrived ~ you will need your pass to ditch out 5 minutes early to lunch today so DO NOT forget to bring it to class! Then, head down to the cafeteria for your donut!

 Awesome job on the ugly sweaters today for "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover" Day. Wear red and black tomorrow for our final SPIRIT DAY and LAST DAY BEFORE BREAK!!!

Thank you to everyone who has been dressing up everyday!  We love seeing the school united!  Yesterday, Mrs. May's first hour class was added to the list of classes with the highest participation.  Maybe it will be your class today!

"Attention all of Mr. Finer and Ms. Gard's 6th grade sTEm classes.  During Knight Time today, a representative from Children's Hospital Colorado will be coming in to accept your donation of kaleidoscopes.  Please check in with your Knight Time teacher and get their permission to come join us in the sTEm Center's wood shop at the beginning of knight time.  You have all worked incredibly hard on this project and you deserve to be apart of this great event.

Students – make sure you get all food items out of your locker before you leave tomorrow or you might find a furry friend has taken up residence in your locker when you get back!

LOST AND FOUND will be donated to Goodwill after school on Friday!  Check out the table outside of the office and the table in the lunchroom for any of your lost items!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...