
November 13, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Thanksgiving Feast

Chicken Poppers
Taco Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

6th graders, if you like drawing, join the contest for best sketch. Give your sketch to Mrs. Svigel by Monday, November 17th to possibly have it published in the next newspaper edition. Your sketch must be school-appropriate, and drawn on clean, white paper.

HEY EVERYONE! The code cart will be coming back TOMORROW so bring your cards to lunch. If you don’t want to spend your code cards tomorrow then save them up for the next quarter award. Also, Students AND Staff, Remember to give out those CODE Cards.

Hey let's fire it up! TOMORROW is spirit day so wear your red and black to show your Newton Spirit.

Attention Fantasy Footballers- We will meet today after school in Mr. Atherton's room. Two Words: Double Prizes for all teams, so be there!!

Students – the lost and found tables are FULL – please claim your items by next Friday! After Friday they are going to Goodwill!

When you are let in early on snow days, you are to go straight to the cafeteria, not your lockers, etc.

There will be an improve performance today in the mini theater at 4:00 by an Improv group that has been meeting in our mini theater this year. You are welcome to attend but make sure you have a ride home as it ends at 4:30 and you will have missed the late bus. You must leave the building immediately after, so make sure your ride is waiting for you in the lot at 4:30





Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...