
November 11, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Yogurt Cup & Muffin

French Toast Sticks and Sausage
Fruit & Cheese Basket with Cinnamon Roll

 Reminders & Announcements:

6th Grade Newspaper Club meets today after school in Mrs. Svigel's room. If you've never been before, we are still happy to have you join. There's always room for more writer's who'd like a voice.

Attention chess players:  Would you like to test your skills against other LPS students?  The district chess tournament is coming up on Saturday, December 6.  The tournament will be held here at Newton and will run from 8:00 am to about 3:00 pm, depending on how long the rounds last.  This is a non-elimination tournament, so everyone gets to play all five rounds.  Registration forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 206, and need to be returned to Mrs. Lacey by November 21st. 

HEY EVERYONE! The code cart will be coming back this Friday, November 14th so bring your cards to lunch. If you don’t want to spend your code cards on Friday then save them up for the next quarter award. Also, Students AND Staff, Remember to give out those CODE Cards.

Hey let's fire it up! Friday is spirit day so wear your red and black to show your Newton Spirit.

Remember – tomorrow is a LATE START day!




Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...