
February 7, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Pepperoni Pizza Pocket
Alternate Choice
Grilled Cheese
Side Selections

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


8th graders going to AHS next year --- information on honors, accelerated, swim waiver, basic course offering placement requirements is available in the office. Auditions begin March 1st – so get your information now!

Want to try to win a $30,000 scholarship? Check out the Doodle 4 Google contest. All grade levels are eligible. See Mrs. Gragg for details

I've got talent yes I do I've got talent how about you!!!??? If you are planning on trying out for the talent show, come grab an audition packet by the choir room or gym. See Ms. Plegge or Ms. P Andrews with any questions.

8th Graders - Panoramic Picture will be taken on Feb 12th - order forms are available in the office.

Please see a teacher if you are interested in the Optimist Club essay contest.

Student Government is sponsoring Kindness week all next week.  Each day has a specific act of kindness.

  • Message Monday:  Look for positive messages around the school!
  • Talking Tuesday:  Please say hello to people you pass in the hallway, ask people how they are, and give people compliments… talk to people you don’t normally talk to.
  • Half Watt Wednesday:  Kindness goes beyond just being kind to people, we also need to be kind to our environment.  Try to use half the lights you normally do, and be aware of how you can help the environment.
  • Thank You Thursday:  In keeping with thinking of our environment, we also need to think about our school environment.  Today try to pick up paper and other things you see on the floor in the hallway, in your classrooms and in the cafeteria.  We need to thank our custodians for always cleaning up after us… helping out our community is another way of saying thank you!
  • Find it Friday:  When you come in to the building on Friday there will be a heart with your name on it somewhere in the building.  Happy Valentines day from Student Government...  also please wear red!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...