
February 10, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Chicken Fajita Wrap
Side Selections
Green Salad
Refried Beans

Featured Entrée
Mandarin Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Celery Sticks & Dip

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


8th graders going to AHS next year --- information on honors, accelerated, swim waiver, basic course offering placement requirements is available in the office. Auditions begin March 1st – so get your information now!

I've got talent yes I do I've got talent how about you!!!??? If you are planning on trying out for the talent show, come grab an audition packet by the choir room or gym. See Ms. Plegge or Ms. P Andrews with any questions.

 8th Graders - Panoramic Picture will be taken on WEDNESDAY - order forms are  in the office.

Student Government is sponsoring Kindness week all next week.  Each day has a specific act of kindness.

  • TODAY is Message Monday:  Look for positive messages around the school!
Congratulations to 8th grader Cody M and 7th grader Jay G who were chosen through audition to participate this weekend with other students from around the state in the first Middle School All State Choir.


There will be an organizational meeting this Thursday February 13th before school at 7:00 in the gym for any boy or girl interested in joining.  We will be meeting in the gym and are looking forward to seeing you there.  If you have any questions please see Mr. Blake.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...