
February 28, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Mac & Cheese
Alternate Choice
Chicken Pattie Sandwich
Side Selections
Green Salad
Green Beans

Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Side Selections


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.

8th grade girls, are you interested in becoming the next Misti May Treanor and Kerry Walsh?  Are you interested in knowing who these Olympians are?  Then please join us for on Tuesday March 4th at 2:50 on room 108 for a brief informational meeting about 8th grade volleyball.

Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players-  Get your washed uniforms and $2 to Mr. Atherton by Monday, March 10th or you will be given a fine slip to cover the cost of your uniform.  Our Pizza party will be on Thursday March 20th to watch the first day of March Madness.  See Mr. Atherton with questions

Reminders :
·         No late buses on March 6th
·         Daylight Savings starts March 8th  - Turn your clocks ahead 1 hour


February 27,2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Breakfast Bowl
Alternate Choice
Pigs in a Blanket
Side Selections
Tri Tators
Carrot Sticks

Featured Entrée
Mac & Cheese
Alternate Choice
Chicken Pattie Sandwich
Side Selections
Green Salad
Green Beans

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


Just a reminder – This is the final week for students to enter this year’s Optimist Club Essay contest.

Attn: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.... Do you play soccer, football, or baseball outside of school? Or what about gymnastics, dance, or cheer? If you participate in any sport outside of school, please send in your pictures to the yearbook at with code NMS2014. Talk to Mr. Cohen if you have any questions. Thank you for your time!

 Attention 7th grade boys basketball participants!  Please get your CLEAN jersey to Mr. Worsley or Mr. Goodreau by Tomorrow.  If you do not, you will receive a bill to cover the costs.  Thanks.

 8th grade girls, are you interested in becoming the next Misti May Treanor and Kerry Walsh?  Are you interested in knowing who these Olympians are?  Then please join us for on Tuesday March 4th at 2:50 on room 108 for a brief informational meeting about 8th grade volleyball.
"This week is eating disorder awareness week. Don't forget: You have until before Knight Time today to answer the questions posted around school for a chance to win a Starbucks card!"

Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players-  Get your washed uniforms and $2 to Mr. Atherton by Monday, March 10th or you will be given a fine slip to cover the cost of your uniform.  Our Pizza party will be on Thursday March 20th to watch the first day of March Madness.  See Mr. Atherton with questions

Reminder – no late buses on March 6th


February 26th, 2014- Wednesday Late Start Schedule

Daily Announcements
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Featured Entrée
Popcorn Chicken
Alternate Choice
French Toast Sticks & Sausage
Side Selections
Sweet Potato Fries

Featured Entrée
Breakfast Bowl
Alternate Choice
Pigs in a Blanket
Side Selections
Tri Tators
Carrot Sticks

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.

Just a reminder – This is the final week for students to enter this year’s Optimist Club Essay contest.

Attn: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.... Do you play soccer, football, or baseball outside of school? Or what about gymnastics, dance, or cheer? If you participate in any sport outside of school, please send in your pictures to the yearbook at with code NMS2014. Talk to Mr. Cohen if you have any questions. Thank you for your time!

Attention 7th grade boys basketball participants!  Please get your CLEAN jersey to Mr. Worsley or Mr. Goodreau by the end of the week.  If you do not, you will receive a bill to cover the costs.  Thanks.

8th grade girls, are you interested in becoming the next Misti May Treanor and Kerry Walsh?  Are you interested in knowing who these Olympians are?  Then please join us for on Tuesday March 4th at 2:50 on room 108 for a brief informational meeting about 8th grade volleyball.

"This week is eating disorder awareness week. Don't forget: You have until before Knight Time tomorrow to answer the questions posted around school for a chance to win a Starbucks card!"


February 25, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Turkey, Potatoes & Gravy
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Mexican Seasoned Beans

Featured Entrée
Popcorn Chicken
Alternate Choice
French Toast Sticks & Sausage
Side Selections
Sweet Potato Fries

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


Just a reminder – This is the final week for students to enter this year’s Optimist Club Essay contest.

Attn: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.... Do you play soccer, football, or baseball outside of school? Or what about gymnastics, dance, or cheer? If you participate in any sport outside of school, please send in your pictures to the yearbook at with code NMS2014. Talk to Mr. Cohen if you have any questions. Thank you for your time!

Attention 7th grade boys basketball participants!  Please get your CLEAN jersey to Mr. Worsley or Mr. Goodreau by the end of the week.  If you do not, you will receive a bill to cover the costs.  Thanks.

8th grade girls, are you interested in becoming the next Misti May Treanor and Kerry Walsh?  Are you interested in knowing who these Olympians are?  Then please join us for on Tuesday March 4th at 2:50 on room 108 for a brief informational meeting about 8th grade volleyball.

"This week is eating disorder awareness week. Do you know anything about eating disorders? There are questions posted around the school. You can answer them for a chance to win a Starbucks card. You have until Thursday before Knight Time to answer the questions. And remember to wear something purple on Thursday to support the recovery cause!"



February 24, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Fish Sandwich
Side Selections
Celery Sticks and Dip

Featured Entrée
Turkey, Potatoes & Gravy
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Mexican Seasoned Beans

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


Just a reminder – This is the final week for students to enter this year’s Optimist Club Essay contest.

Attn: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.... Do you play soccer, football, or baseball outside of school? Or what about gymnastics, dance, or cheer? If you participate in any sport outside of school, please send in your pictures to the yearbook at with code NMS2014. Talk to Mr. Cohen if you have any questions. Thank you for your time!

Attention 7th grade boys basketball participants!  Please get your CLEAN jersey to Mr. Worsley or Mr. Goodreau by the end of the week.  If you do not, you will receive a bill to cover the costs.  Thanks.

"This week is eating disorder awareness week. Do you know anything about eating disorders? There are questions posted around the school. You can answer them for a chance to win a Starbucks card. You have until Thursday before Knight Time to answer the questions. And remember to wear something purple on Thursday to support the recovery cause!"


February 21, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Chicken Burrito in a Bowl
Alternate Choice
Corn Dog
Side Selections
Green Beans
Glazed Carrots
Rice Krispie Treat


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


Hey Newton! TODAY is the last day to sign up for an audition time for the talent show. If you haven't turned your audition form yet please get it to Ms. Plegge or Mrs. P Andrews as soon as possible. Auditions will be Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Just a reminder – These are the final two weeks for students to enter this year’s Optimist Club Essay contest.

Attn: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.... Do you play soccer, football, or baseball outside of school? Or what about gymnastics, dance, or cheer? If you participate in any sport outside of school, please send in your pictures to the yearbook at with code NMS2014. Talk to Mr. Cohen if you have any questions. Thank you for your time!’

Attention 8th grade Basketball Players: here is our schedule for Saturdays Boys Basketball Tournament:

9:00 am- C team will play for 3rd Place; be there by 8:30
10:00 am- B team will play for 3rd place; be there by 9:30
11:00 am- A team will play for 3rd place; be there by 10:30

All games will be held here at Newton.  See Mr. Atherton with questions.


February 20th, 2014- ODD Day Schedule

Daily Announcements
Thursday, February 20, 2014
ODD Day Schedule
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Featured Entrée
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl

Alternate Choice
Hot Dog

Side Selections
Garden Salad
Baked Beans

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


8th graders going to AHS next year -
-          Honors Auditions – March 1, March 11 - 13, 20, & April 30, 2014.
-          Freshman Registration - Monday, April 7, 2014 at 6:00 PM.
Hey Newton!  This Friday is the last day to sign up for an audition time for the talent show.  If you haven’t turned your audition form in yet please get it to Ms. Plegge or Mrs. P Andrews as soon as possible.  Auditions will be Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Just a reminder – These are the final two weeks for students to enter this year’s Optimist Club Essay contest.

Students that are thinking about using the Cemetery as a short cut.  You need to walk South on Colorado Blvd to Caley and use the new path along the South side of the cemetery, you are not allowed to cut across.  Be aware that a coyote has been spotted on the cemetery property.


February 19, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Pasta & Meatballs
Alternate Choice
Chicken Nuggets
Side Selections
Green Salad

Featured Entrée
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl
Alternate Choice
Hot Dog
Side Selections
Garden Salad
Baked Beans

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.

8th graders going to LHS next year

-          LHS Freshman night is TONIGHT at 6:30

8th graders going to AHS next year -

-          Honors Auditions – March 1, March 11 - 13, 20, & April 30, 2014.

-          Freshman Registration - Monday, April 7, 2014 at 6:00 PM.

Hey Newton! This Friday is the last day to sign up for an audition time for the talent show. If you haven't turned your audition form yet please get it to Ms. Plegge or Mrs. P Andrews as soon as possible. Auditions will be Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Just a reminder – These are the final two weeks for students to enter this year’s Optimist Club Essay contest.

Students that are thinking about using the Cemetery as a short cut.  You need to walk South on Colorado Blvd to Caley and use the new path along the South side of the cemetery, you are not allowed to cut across.  Be aware that a coyote has been spotted on the cemetery property.


February 18,2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Tuna Sandwich
Side Selections
Celery Sticks & Ranch Dip

Featured Entrée
Pasta & Meatballs
Alternate Choice
Chicken Nuggets
Side Selections
Green Salad

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.

8th graders going to LHS next year

-          LHS Freshman night is tomorrow night

8th graders going to AHS next year -

-          Honors Auditions – March 1, March 11 - 13, 20, & April 30, 2014.

-          Freshman Registration - Monday, April 7, 2014 at 6:00 PM.

Just a reminder – These are the final two weeks for students to enter this year’s Optimist Club Essay contest.


February 14, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Chicken Alfredo
Alternate Choice
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Side Selections
Garden Salad
Carrot Sticks & Dip

Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Side Selections

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Student Government is sponsoring Kindness week all next week.  Each day has a specific act of kindness.
  • TODAY is  Find it Friday:  Somewhere in the building there will be a heart with your name on it Happy Valentine’s day from Student Government!

Office notices:
  • If you received a letter from Mrs. Rice on Tuesday regarding your family e-mail address, please return it to the office right away.
  • Today is Valentine’s Day! We do not deliver Valentine’s gifts, flowers, balloons, etc. to students. Anything received by the office will be kept there until the end of the day for students to pick up.
  • Students – if you are picked up after school, make sure your parents know that they need to pick you up in the EAST lot or off of school property. There is NO parent pick up in the WEST lot after school.


February 13, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Popcorn Chicken
Side Selections
Green Beans
Sweet Potato Fries
Cinnamon Roll

Featured Entrée
Chicken Alfredo
Alternate Choice
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Side Selections
Garden Salad
Carrot Sticks & Dip

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Student Government is sponsoring Kindness week all next week.  Each day has a specific act of kindness.

  • TODAY is Thank You Thursday:  In keeping with thinking of our environment, we also need to think about our school environment.  Today try to pick up paper and other things you see on the floor in the hallway, in your classrooms and in the cafeteria.  We need to thank our custodians for always cleaning up after us… helping out our community is another way of saying thank you!
Those who joined Talking Hands last semester, or who did not get a chance to join, come to Ms. Airington's room 307 after school TODAY for a brief 5 minute informational meeting about a Deaf social coming up!  We will also see if there is enough interest to continue this semester. Make sure you have a ride arranged.

The CODE CART will be in the lunchroom today.  Bring your CODE cards with you as you will not be allowed to leave to go back to your lockers for them!

Office notices:

  • If you received a letter from Mrs. Rice on Tuesday regarding your family e-mail address, please return it to the office right away.
  • We have a pair of purple glasses in the office that somebody was asking about – please come up to claim them.
  • Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day –  We do have school tomorrow! We do not deliver Valentine’s gifts, flowers, balloons, etc. to students. Anything received by the office will be kept there until the end of the day for students to pick up.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...