
November 22, 2013 - EVEN Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Pepperoni Pizza Pocket

Alternate Choice

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Side Selections

Garlic Bread

Three Bean Salad

Broccoli & dip


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


6th Graders!!!! Do you want to bump set spike?? There will be a 6th grade volleyball interest meeting Monday December 2nd afterschool in room 314. The meeting will only take a few minutes so please arrange for a ride home that day. If you have any questions please see Ms. Plegge or Ms. Airington.

Attention 8th Graders: The Thanksgiving break is a perfect time for your family to put together your awesome 8th Grade Baby Ad for this year's yearbook. See posters around the school and pick up a flyer in the office.

"Teachers, remember to pass out your stickers to students for IPOD Day first thing this morning! Students, you must be wearing your sticker on your shirt to be able to use your IPOD today~HAVE FUN!!!!"

GT students:  Independent study is starting in the next round of Knight Times.  If you would like to do an independent study with a partner, let Mrs. Lacey know by Wednesday, December 4th, so we can get you scheduled appropriately. Also, be sure to list independent study as your number one choice when you sign up for new classes. 

6TH Grade Teachers:  Would you please excuse any students that are going on the PE field trip to the gym downstairs after you have taken attendance today.

Have A Great Break – See you Dec 2nd!

Wednesday 2-19-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 19, 2025      ODD Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unite...