
August 20, 2013 - ODD Day Schedule



Today                                                                         Tomorrow

Mac & Cheese                                            Turkey with Mashed Potatoes

Chicken Patty on a Bun                              Cheeseburger

Tossed Salad




Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:




  • 8th graders, have you ever dreamed of becoming a track star? Come join the Newton Knight's track team! There will be a meeting for anyone interested in joining the boys or girls 8th grade track team Thursday after school in 110, Mr. Worsley's room. The meeting will be over by 3:00

Is Aug 27th at 6:30

Please encourage your parents to come and meet your teachers and the administration staff !

  • For those of you new to Newton --- You must walk your Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, etc once you cross Colorado Blvd or Arapahoe Rd onto school grounds.

  • DO NOT leave bikes unlocked in the bike rack!
  • You may decorate the inside of your locker but are not allowed to use stickers, duct tape, contact paper, or anything else that is adhesive.
  • Students will be allowed in the building each day at 7:45
  • Bus Students – in the afternoon you catch your bus on the West side of the building – ask if you need directions
  • Students – please read and follow the dress code listed in your planner
  • Schedule Changes ---- If you requested a schedule change ---- please continue to follow your old schedule until you receive a revised one!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...