
March 5, 2012 - TCAP Schedule

Sub Sandwich
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl
Turkey Wrap

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Attention all 7th grade girls:  There will be a meeting for anybody interested in playing volleyball today after school at 3:00 in room 114.  Practice starts next Wednesday morning at 6:45.  If you cannot attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Rodrigue or Ms. Plegge for more information.

"The Rockin' Club of Babes will be meeting  today in the art room from 3-4 to make bracelets, knit, listen to music, and eat snacks. Come on out, ladies!"

Attention student council members: We will have a student council meeting this Thursday, March 8th after school in the Art room. Please plan on attending this important meeting! Questions? See Mrs. J Andrews or Mrs. Jenkins

Attention 8th grade boys basketball players.  Please return your washed jerseys and shorts to Mr. Atherton this week.  Announcements will be forthcoming about our team party.

TCAP’s start today --- please be quiet when you are in the halls and make sure you get plenty of sleep each night this week and eat a good breakfast before coming to school!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...