
March 13, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule


French Bread Pizza

Turkey with mashed potatoes
Pretzel with cheese

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Were you recently inspired by a video called Kony 2012?
 Do you ever wonder how a middle school student like yourself can make a positive and lasting impact on the community and even the world?
Do you like doughnuts?
 If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you need to join Newton’s DO SOMETHING club.
First meeting is tomorrow at 7:00 AM in Mr. Franklin’s Room (204)
If you are planning on attending or want to but unable to attend, please tell Mr. Franklin

If you could get out of class early and Paaarrrrtyyyy would you do it? Well student council has the answer for you! On Wednesday, March 21st we are having a spring dance! The dance starts at 2:05 and goes until 4pm.  Next week you can pay $3.00 to get into the dance OR turn in 6 CODE cards!  Bring your money or cards to lunch next week so you can come to the dance! A great DJ, games, drawings and  prizes will be be there! Don't miss out!

"Any first semester 8th grade Tech Ed student who still has not picked up their portfolio from Mr. Finer's room, please do so by the end of today."

The first home volleyball game of the season is today, Come cheer on the Lady Knights as they take on Powell in the Newton Gym.

Attention 8th Grade Basketball Players- Get your $2 and washed uniforms to Mr. A by Thursday after school to come to the team party on Thursday to eat and watch the first day of March Madness!!

Bike Riders – please remember that you are to walk your bike across the crosswalks and once you are on school property!

Kindle drawings will be held at lunch today!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...