
October 10, 2011 ODD Day Schedule


Top you own Colorado Baked Potato

Turkey, Cheddar & Colorado Apple Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:
8th GRADERS – please make sure you are checking our website and the website of the HS you are planning on attending for important HS dates you need to know!

Attention any 6th grade girl or boy interested in volleyball this year:  There will be a meeting after school tomorrow.  We will discuss practice times for the season and pass out more information.  The meeting will begin at 3:00 in room 114 and will end at approximately 3:15.  Please make arrangements for a ride after the meeting if needed.  If you cannot attend, please see Mrs. Rodrigue or Ms. Plegge for the information. 

Everyone has heard of The Knights of the Round Table. What about The Knights of the Multiplication Table? Newton’s newly formed Math Olympiad Team will be meeting on Tuesdays in Mrs. Petrelli’s room starting tomorrow. If you are mathematical, love a good challenge, and like low pressure competition, come join the Math Olympiad Team!

Don’t forget Parent/ Teacher conferences are Wed and Thur – check the website for times and the date info

ALSO – NO SCHOOL on Thursday or Friday!!!!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...